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The best thing to do is stare it in the face and move on. We have to face our fears and plow through. I think taking chances takes a lot more courage than staying stagnant and doing what's safe and comfortable.

Search For spectacular In Quotes 21

I was at the vice president's Christmas party. I thought that his speech was spectacular and I knew that it was a very emotional and difficult thing for him to do but I admonished him for not waiting just one more stinking day.

Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.

Without competition the spectacular development of technology that we have seen in the last one hundred years in this country would not have happened.

After my spectacular failures I could not be satisfied with an ordinary success.

Monday Night Football started in 1970 and when it started it was something extremely special because sports had not been aired in prime time. So it was a novelty and a lot of people thought it wouldn't work and of course it worked spectacularly well.

Almost everything that distinguishes the modern world from earlier centuries is attributable to science which achieved its most spectacular triumphs in the seventeenth century.

I always wrote poetry and stuff like that so putting songs together wasn't that spectacular.

In a still hot morning the tide went out and didn't come back in. This was not a spectacular event. The sea did not roll up like a scroll like the sky in Revelations. It quietly withdrew.

I have often said that I wish I had invented blue jeans: the most spectacular the most practical the most relaxed and nonchalant. They have expression modesty sex appeal simplicity - all I hope for in my clothes.

For the past two years President Obama has promised our children the moon stars rainbows unicorns and universal health care for all. But the White House Santa's cradle-to-grave entitlement mandates are a spectacularly predictable bust.

The world is full of people looking for spectacular happiness while they snub contentment.

Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill and happy companionship. It is of great importance to the morale.

I have made a film about jazz that tries to look through jazz to see what it tells us about who we are as a people. I think that jazz is a spectacularly accurate model of democracy and a kind of look into our redemptive future possibilities.

I love Charlie Billy Burke's character. Writing for him is so spectacular he's so funny and wry and every scene he's in he just takes. There's a scene in 'Eclipse' where Bella tells him she's a virgin and it's the funniest most awkward scene I've ever seen on film.

Once you come up with a premise you have to work out how it all happened. It's a bit like coming up with a spectacular roof design first. Before you can get it up there you need to build a solid foundation and supporting structure.

And then build a bustling wonderful city of the 21st century with a restoration of a spectacular skyline which Manhattan of course needs. So that is really the design as a whole.

One of the best animated films I've seen come out of Disney was the Tarzan movie. I wasn't crazy about the story or the design on Tarzan's face but the traditional animation was spectacular.

Boxing is my real passion. I can go to ballet theatre movies or other sporting events... and nothing is like the fights to me. I'm excited by the visual beauty of it. A boxer can look so spectacular by doing a good job.

After its hothouse incubation in the seventies appropriation breathed important new life into art. This life flowered spectacularly over the decades - even if it's now close to aesthetic kudzu.

It is spectacular. From about five minutes in when we knew for sure that we were going to have the weather to go the smile on my face just got bigger and bigger and I was just beaming through the whole launch. I mean it is just an amazing ride.

I remember the first time I felt that I was sharing the stage with someone spectacular was dancing with Beyonce. It was the dancers the band Beyonce and me in front of thousands of people. That was sick. It was pretty amazing that I got to travel the world with someone like her.