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I've never had any illusions about being a lead actor in films because lead actors have to be of a certain kind. Apart from the beauty of looks and figure which I cannot claim to have there's just a particular kind of ordinary-Joe quality that a film star needs to have.

Search For stunts In Quotes 8

While I will always have the utmost respect for the superhuman out-of-bounds freestyle and extreme stunts that seem to continually progress beyond our imaginable limits my highest appreciation goes out to the simple rider who's out there just for the experience.

Steve Irwin did wonderful conservation work but I was uncomfortable about some of his stunts. Even if animals aren't aware that you are not treating them with respect the viewers are.

I really love the independent movies and I just think that sometimes when they throw a lot of money into it and a lot of special effects and a lot of stunts that you lose the connection the human connection and I personally love movies that are about the human connection.

I know a lot of people dread going to work every morning but my work is playing pretend and doing stunts and screaming. It's a lot of fun and I get to play dress up. Every day is exciting and different and new and cool. I couldn't be more grateful.

For me the stunts are so cool they're one of my favourite things when we're doing the film.

I don't get a chance to do many of my own stunts on 'Buffy' - none of us do. We have amazing stunt people who make us all look really believable and really good.

Working on such a big film was amazing. I learned a lot. There weren't too many stunts just some doubling.

I love physical kinds of comedy and getting down and dirty and doing stunts. When I was growing up I was always getting into fights with guys and usually punching out boys my age because I was a lot bigger and tougher. So I'm naturally accustomed to putting myself into the headspace of a girl who can take care of herself.