Search For supernatural In Quotes 17

The supernatural birth of Christ his miracles his resurrection and ascension remain eternal truths whatever doubts may be cast on their reality as historical facts.

It is often said that science must avoid any conclusions which smack of the supernatural.

In every religion there is an element of the supernatural varying with the influence of pure reason over its devotees.

I call religion a natural authority but it has usually been conceived as a supernatural authority.

I don't have a religion. I believe in a God. I don't know what it looks like but it's MY god. My own interpretation of the supernatural.

The biological evolutionary perception of life and of human qualities is radically different from that of traditional religion whether it's Southern Baptist or Islam or any religion that believes in a supernatural supervalance over humanity.

I would bend over backward to be back on Grey's. Any day I'll choose lying in bed with Katherine Heigl looking over me over getting thrown against walls by supernatural persons at 5 in the morning.

Shakespeare also introduces the supernatural into some of his tragedies he introduces ghosts and witches who have supernatural knowledge.

I like something where I can really use my imagination and be an active participant in the construction of the monster and usually that's in the world of the supernatural or the world of the fantastic so that's why those kinds of stories about demons and the supernatural appeal to me or maybe I'm really interested in that subject.

The question of whether there exists a supernatural creator a God is one of the most important that we have to answer. I think that it is a scientific question. My answer is no.

Purity is not imposed upon us as though it were a kind of punishment it is one of those mysterious but obvious conditions of that supernatural knowledge of ourselves in the Divine which we speak of as faith. Impurity does not destroy this knowledge it slays our need for it.

Belief in the supernatural reflects a failure of the imagination.

The dreams which reveal the supernatural are promises and messages that God sends us directly: they are nothing but His angels His ministering spirits who usually appear to us when we are in a great predicament.

The interest in the supernatural in a very generic sense and in the spiritual is not in itself a factor that helps the communication of the Christian faith.

Compassion has no place in the natural order of the world which operates on the basis of necessity. Compassion opposes this order and is therefore best thought of as being in some way supernatural.

There is something about the South that accepts the supernatural. If you don't accept it and you're having a conversation with someone who does it's just one of those polite things where you don't question their belief in ghosts. You just go 'Oh yeah okay.' It's amazing to be able to have conversations like that.

The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.