Search For sweep In Quotes 16

You can't sweep other people off their feet if you can't be swept off your own.

The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and as the magnet finds the iron so it will find in every hour some heavenly blessings!

What is needed now is a transformation of the major systems of production more profound than even the sweeping post-World War II changes in production technology.

I would stay on but 'General Hospital' honestly doesn't seem to want that relationship with this character at the moment. They want little short doses during sweeps periods.

What do I geek out about? What am I? Hmmm. I love movies. I watch movies. I like big sweeping epics like Ed Zwick stuff: 'The Last Samurai ' 'Legends of the Fall ' 'Blood Diamond ' 'Glory.'

Man if I made one million dollars I would come in at six in the morning sweep the stands wash the uniforms clean out the office manage the team and play the games.

The repose of sleep refreshes only the body. It rarely sets the soul at rest. The repose of the night does not belong to us. It is not the possession of our being. Sleep opens within us an inn for phantoms. In the morning we must sweep out the shadows.

I am never at my best in the early morning especially a cold morning in the Yorkshire spring with a piercing March wind sweeping down from the fells finding its way inside my clothing nipping at my nose and ears.

Now a cholera epidemic was sweeping through Southeast Asia and south Asia in the early 1970s so I started medical school and I joined a laboratory to work on this.

Today is life-the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.

There is humor in the specter of the worst disaster in our nation's history. All I have to do is sweep away the debris of shock to find it.

You cannot hope to sweep someone else away by the force of your writing until it has been done to you.

Men can absent themselves from real life for their art more easily. Women are anchored into the quotidian business of getting food on the table making sure everybody's socks match the soccer gear is ready. I admire idealists but they're usually enabled by someone who holds the tether on their balloon who pays the bills and sweeps up after them.

What do we want our kids to do? Sweep up around Japanese computers?

But if I can be convinced and then through the work that we do together the orchestra can really be convinced of the big sweep of that communication that the piece suggests then the audience will get it and it will be a good experience for all of us.

Another night I dreamed I saw my father sweeping out the barn floor clean and would not suffer the wheat to be brought in the barn. He appeared to me to be in anger.