Search For teammate In Quotes 20

I want to thank all my fans teammates coaches and supporters for the strength they've given me to overcome so much.

As long as I have the support and respect of my teammates that's all I can ask for.

When you have that respect from your teammates it makes it a lot more comfortable.

I've worked too hard and too long to let anything stand in the way of my goals. I will not let my teammates down and I will not let myself down.

I want to see a player on the football field. I want to see what kind of teammate they are what kind of leadership qualities they have. I want to see how aggressive they are how much fun they have playing the game.

Leadership is getting players to believe in you. If you tell a teammate you're ready to play as tough as you're able to you'd better go out there and do it. Players will see right through a phony. And they can tell when you're not giving it all you've got.

Being a good teammate is when you try to sprint down a ball that everyone thinks is going out of bounds. But you go after it anyways and you get it.

Commitment is a big part of what I am and what I believe. How committed are you to winning? How committed are you to being a good friend? To being trustworthy? To being successful? How committed are you to being a good father a good teammate a good role model? There's that moment every morning when you look in the mirror: Are you committed or are you not?

And so I look at it as a relationship that I have with him that I want to give him the honor and glory anytime I have the opportunity. And then right after I give him the honor and glory I always try to give my teammates the honor and glory. And that's how it works because Christ comes first in my life and then my family and then my teammates.

The things I was allowed to experience the people I was able to call friends teammates mentors coaches and opponents the travel all of it are far more than anything I ever thought possible in my lifetime.

I had dreams of catching the ball for the final out in the World Series and being mobbed by my teammates. Well I guess all my dreams didn't come true.

You can tell your uncle stuff that you could not tell your dad. That is kind of the role of an uncle. I feel very much like a father sometimes but sometimes I feel like a teammate.

I hear good things about Xbox Live from some of my younger teammates. I think it would be fun to be able to challenge fans all over the world. It would be cool to be able to play some of my friends back home in the States. I'm looking forward to trying it.

The best kids are going to become the best. But the best thing about it is that you're going to learn lessons in playing those sports about winning and losing and teamwork and teammates and arguments and everything else that are going to affect you positively for the rest of your life.

To all the positions I just bring the determination to win. Me being an unselfish player I think that can carry on to my teammates. When you have one of the best players on the court being unselfish I think that transfers to the other players.

I was fortunate to play for Pete Rose and have teammates like Ken Griffey Sr. Tony Perez and Dave Concepcion. I grew up in the game with a mature attitude. I've always known it was better to be seen and not heard.

You must never be satisfied with losing. You must get angry terribly angry about losing. But the mark of the good loser is that he takes his anger out on himself and not his victorious opponents or on his teammates.

I enjoyed being a teammate of Deion Sanders. He brings different elements to the game that many people would not even realize and to watch and witness a superior talent like him and watch him prepare and train and study the game is truly amazing.

I have short goals - to get better every day to help my teammates every day - but my only ultimate goal is to win an NBA championship. It's all that matters. I dream about it. I dream about it all the time how it would look how it would feel. It would be so amazing.

I knew at a young age whether I was playing baseball or hockey or lacrosse that my teammates were counting on me whether it be to strike the last batter out in a baseball game or score a big goal in a hockey game.