Search For temperature In Quotes 7

Any knowledge that doesn't lead to new questions quickly dies out: it fails to maintain the temperature required for sustaining life.

There are a range of associated impacts related to increasing temperatures which affect both evaporation rates and river systems which are already over stressed and these will hit farming communities and the health of crop lands.

Forgiveness is an act of the will and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart.

If you have acid in food you need to sugar it. At a high temperature the acids are changed to sugar.

Nobody with an IQ higher than emergency-room temperature could ever believe that 'death panels' would be appointed to nudge the elderly toward euthanasia. Yet for idle entertainment it's hard to beat Sarah Palin's ignorant nattering on the subject.

The trick at Le Mans is to get the car 'in the window.' Everything is critical: the tyre pressure the brake temperature and that means you have to push the car a lot to get it into the window - it's about getting everything to work right and getting the car to flow through the corners.

A Harvard Medical School study has determined that rectal thermometers are still the best way to tell a baby's temperature. Plus it really teaches the baby who's boss.