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My dad wanted me to play when I was a kid so I learned to play the guitar. I pursued a career in music because I love it so much and I enjoy what it does to those who hear it.

Search For trainer In Quotes 11

And I found out the other part of it is that I found out and in my desire to life successfully that baseball fit very well into my life. It's been a great teacher trainer mentor and you'll see what I mean in the next few minutes that I have to speak.

Team sports aren't my thing. I find it easier to pick something up if I can do it at my own speed. And you don't need a partner to go running you don't need a particular place like in tennis just a pair of trainers.

I have a treadmill and I work out with my trainer Julie Diamond as often as possible. She's so positive.

At one point I had to shove as much food in my body as possible to pack on calories. My trainer wanted me to do six meals a day and not go two hours without eating. If I would cheat on eating one day I could tell - I'd drop a few pounds.

For a good workout I go to At One Fitness in North Hollywood where my trainer Jon Allsop puts me through it all. I like it because it's a small gym and I've known the people for a long time. Jon will have me do cross-training where I'll lift weights jump rope throw around a medicine ball and I never get to stop.

My fitness trainer's English my physio's English some of my friends are English. I don't have a problem with English people at all.

A life coach does for the rest of your life what a personal trainer does for your health and fitness.

I had a very famous trainer tell me once 'You can usually train a wild animal but never tame a wild animal ever.' They are always going to be wild no matter what anybody says.

I had a flight trainer who is one of the biggest and most famous helicopter pilots the world.

I go to the gym five days a week and I have a personal trainer. I am on a strict diet which is kind of hard to keep up with on the road but I stick to it as well as I can.

Yeah I get to fight in 'Eclipse.' My trainer is teaching me MMA right now. So. Cool.