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I love having my hands in the dirt. It is never a science and always an art. There are no rules. And if it comes down to me versus that weed I'm trying to pull out of the ground that doesn't want to come out? I know I'll win.

Search For unacceptable In Quotes 8

If Romney explains why where we are with Obama is unacceptable why whither we are tending is even worse - and why his own alternative path forward is superior - then we trust the American people to make the right choice in November.

The aspects of patriotism that hush dissent encourage going along and sanction comfortable distancing and compliance with what is indecent and unacceptable... those aspects are too fundamental to ignore or gloss over.

Today it is research with human embryonic stem cells and attempts to prepare cloned stem cells for research and medical therapies that are being disavowed as being ethically unacceptable.

I find that people find a way out of misery through humor and it's humor that's often unacceptable to people who are not in quite such a state of misery.

A mistake is always forgivable rarely excusable and always unacceptable.

There is no such thing as inner peace. There is only nervousness or death. Any attempt to prove otherwise constitutes unacceptable behavior.

The courage to be is the courage to accept oneself in spite of being unacceptable.

Change the changeable accept the unchangeable and remove yourself from the unacceptable.