Search For undermine In Quotes 23

Christmas is taken very seriously in this household. I believe in Father Christmas and there's no way I'd do anything to undermine that belief.

The United States strongly condemns the illegal disclosure of classified information. It puts people's lives in danger threatens our national security and undermines our efforts to work with other countries to solve shared problems.

The battle for the individual rights of women is one of long standing and none of us should countenance anything which undermines it.

Bush's war in Iraq has done untold damage to the United States. It has impaired our military power and undermined the morale of our armed forces. Our troops were trained to project overwhelming power. They were not trained for occupation duties.

When political and business leaders tell the public - any public - 'We don't trust you to make the right decision' - they prejudice that electorate against the very proposals they want it to accept and undermine public confidence in themselves.

The Social Security trust fund is in pretty good shape today and we should not embark upon risky dangerous schemes which will in fact undermine Social Security such as privatization.

The president has undermined trust. No longer will the members of Congress be entitled to accept his veracity. Caveat emptor has become the word. Every member of Congress is on his or her own to determine the truth.

Technology has a shadow side. It accounts for real progress in medicine but has also hurt it in many ways making it more impersonal expensive and dangerous. The false belief that a safety net of sophisticated drugs and machines stretches below us permitting risky or lazy lifestyle choices has undermined our spirit of self-reliance.

The financial crisis should not become an excuse to raise taxes which would only undermine the economic growth required to regain our strength.

Drugs are merely the most obvious form of addiction in our society. Drug addiction is one of the things that undermines traditional values.

I have no right by anything I do or say to demean a human being in his own eyes. What matters is not what I think of him it is what he thinks of himself. To undermine a man's self-respect is a sin.

I see people who talk about America and then undermine it by not paying attention to its soul to its poetry. I see polarization reductionism and superficiality.

I have had a very difficult time with stage fright it undermines your well-being and peace of mind and it can also threaten your livelihood.

I think when money starts to corrupt journalism it undermines the journalism and it undermines the credibility of the product and you end up not succeeding.

The right to a trial is a core principle of the American legal system. Depriving Americans of these essential liberties undermines the Constitution while doing nothing to strengthen our national security.

The legal principle placing the burden of proof on accusers rather than the accused can be traced back to Second and Third Century Roman jurist Julius Paulus Prudentissimus. Yet this ancient concept which forms the legal and moral cornerstone of the American judicial system is quickly being undermined in the name of 'national security.'

We in the press by our power can actually undermine leadership.

Pizza certainly has its place in school meals but equating it with broccoli carrots and celery seriously undermines this nation's efforts to support children's health and their ability to learn because of better school nutrition.

Unfortunately corruption is widespread in government agencies and public enterprises. Our political system promotes nepotism and wasting money. This has undermined our legal system and confidence in the functioning of the state. One of the consequences is that many citizens don't pay their taxes.

It is the logic of consumerism that undermines the values of loyalty and permanence and promotes a different set of values that is destructive of family life.

As a mom I know it is my responsibility and no one else's to raise my kids. But we have to ask ourselves what does it mean when so many parents are finding their best efforts undermined by an avalanche of advertisements aimed at our kids.

No matter what a woman's appearance may be it will be used to undermine what she is saying and taken to individualize - as her personal problem - observations she makes about the beauty myth in society.

Insurgents have capitalized on popular resentment and anger towards the United States and the Iraqi government to build their own political financial and military support and the faith of Iraqi citizens in their new government has been severely undermined.