Search For unfolding In Quotes 10

War is the unfolding of miscalculations.

There is no meaning to life except the meaning man gives his life by the unfolding of his powers.

It is not difficult for me to have this faith for it is incontrovertible that where there is a plan there is intelligence - an orderly unfolding universe testifies to the truth of the most majestic statement ever uttered - 'In the beginning God.'

The object of pure physics is the unfolding of the laws of the intelligible world the object of pure mathematics that of unfolding the laws of human intelligence.

I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... such emotions make a man forget food sleep friends love everything.

Religious belief like history itself is a story that is always unfolding always subject to inquiry and ripe for questioning. For without doubt there is no faith.

If you don't have the story and the unfolding of the trajectory of the saga it's like getting in a car and not having any gas.

As a young man even if I was going to see a play or a film by myself I didn't feel like I was alone. There was something that was unfolding up there that brought me into it. And I recognised that. For those two hours it made me feel like I belonged to something really good.

The history of philosophy is not like the history of the sciences to be studied with the intellect alone. That which is receptive in us and that which impinges upon us from history is the reality of man's being unfolding itself in thought.

The momentum of freedom in our world is unmistakable - and it is not carried forward by our power alone. We can trust in that greater power Who guides the unfolding of the years. And in all that is to come we can know that His purposes are just and true.