Search For unlimited In Quotes 19

We are seeing a great awakening. A national movement of We the People brought together by what unites us - a shared love of liberty and an understanding of the unlimited potential of free men and free women.

The myth of unlimited production brings war in its train as inevitably as clouds announce a storm.

Indian religion has always felt that since the minds the temperaments and the intellectual affinities of men are unlimited in their variety a perfect liberty of thought and of worship must be allowed to the individual in his approach to the Infinite.

Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who posses it and this I know my lords: that where law ends tyranny begins.

An unlimited power to tax involves necessarily the power to destroy.

Unlimited power corrupts the possessor.

I'm not really easy to live with! There needs to be unlimited patience and unconditional love. Men I've known before loved my independent spirit and were proud of my success to the point that they'd become jealous of the time I devote to my career.

There is nothing more corrupting nothing more destructive of the noblest and finest feelings of our nature than the exercise of unlimited power.

Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could.

To-day it appears as though it may well be altogether abolished in the future as it has to some extent been mitigated in the past by the unceasing and as it now appears unlimited ascent of man to knowledge and through knowledge to physical power and dominion over Nature.

The really great writers are people like Emily Bronte who sit in a room and write out of their limited experience and unlimited imagination.

One thing governors feel Democrats and Republicans alike is that we have a health care system that if you're on Medicaid you have unlimited access to health care at unlimited levels at no cost. No wonder it's running away.

I only wish that ordinary people had an unlimited capacity for doing harm then they might have an unlimited power for doing good.

I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station through which God speaks to us every hour if we will only tune in.

Our work is before us. It cannot be passed to future legislatures and must not be passed to future generations. May we boldly seize the moment with singular unity. And may we build a Texas of unlimited possibility.

Scientists will eventually stop flailing around with solar power and focus their efforts on harnessing the only truly unlimited source of energy on the planet: stupidity. I predict that in the future scientists will learn how to convert stupidity into clean fuel.

What unites Oklahomans today is what has always united us: Our unshakable faith. Our love of family and compassion for others. The unlimited promise of a hopeful future.

Too many athletes are living in a tiny window. They have no vision for themselves - what they can be outside of football and what they can mean to a community. They just don't know any better. My hopes and dreams are unlimited.

Power will intoxicate the best hearts as wine the strongest heads. No man is wise enough nor good enough to be trusted with unlimited power.