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Big women do themselves a disservice when they attempt to become the Righteous Fat (the Righteous Thin are bad enough all that running around and sweating somehow believing it means anything).

Search For upgrade In Quotes 7

Community colleges need to be upgraded. We got to have training for real jobs. We've got a lot of jobs that are going unfilled because we don't have the technology in the heads of graduating college students to deal with them.

If I can give you one strong piece of advice when you go away for that romantic weekend whatever you do do not accept or take the upgrade to the honeymoon suite.

It is my sincere hope that hospitals across Indiana and America continue to strive for excellence when it comes to providing medical care. This proposed rule will be harmful to communities who wish to upgrade their medical facilities.

I come from Montana and in eastern Montana we have a lot of dirt between light bulbs. It is expensive trying to bring the new technologies to smaller schools to upgrade their technologies to take advantage of distance learning.

Mankind: A quality of life upgrade is available to each and every one of you. It should give you a quality of life upgrade which means no drugs no alcohol no fast food - unless of course it's a mallard.

It's not just the kid who's spent every penny from his job to upgrade his car to tell the world he cares about sports cars it's also the person driving around in a fuel-conscious hybrid electric car because it's more a message to the world than an effective means of saving fuel to be quite honest.

I think the Smart Car is awesome. The only problem is I've been on the freeway and felt like I was going to be blown away like a Tim Hortons coffee cup so I may have to upgrade to a Mini Cooper - something a little stronger.