Search For upward In Quotes 17

In most sports your brain and your body will cooperate... But in rock climbing it is the other way around. Your brain doesn't see the point in climbing upwards. Your brain will tell you to keep as low as possible to cling to the wall and not get any higher. You have to have your brain persuading your body to do the right movements.

Class is not a fixed designation in this country. We are an upwardly mobile society with a lot of movement between income groups.

We have the opportunity to move not only toward the rich society and the powerful society but upward to the Great Society.

Let the gentle bush dig its root deep and spread upward to split the boulder.

All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind.

The upward course of a nation's history is due in the long run to the soundness of heart of its average men and women.

Heights by great men reached and kept were not obtained by sudden flight but while their companions slept they were toiling upward in the night.

We believe that the government has an important role to create the conditions that promote entrepreneurship upward mobility and individual responsibility.

Ethical religion can be real only to those who are engaged in ceaseless efforts at moral improvement. By moving upward we acquire faith in an upward movement without limit.

Vision looks upward and becomes faith.

The history of the past is but one long struggle upward to equality.

In America everybody is of the opinion that he has no social superiors since all men are equal but he does not admit that he has no social inferiors for from the time of Jefferson onward the doctrine that all men are equal applies only upwards not downwards.

We must promote upward mobility starting with solutions that speak to our broken education system broken immigration policy and broken safety-net programs that foster dependency instead of helping people get back on their feet.

Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards.

In politics strangely enough the best way to play your cards is to lay them face upwards on the table.

Part of the reason for the ugliness of adults in a child's eyes is that the child is usually looking upwards and few faces are at their best when seen from below.

Even in decline a virtuous man increases the beauty of his behavior. A burning stick though turned to the ground has its flame drawn upwards.