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You can't be afraid to put out a fire if you're a fireman. You can't be afraid to be a police officer and carry a gun if you're afraid to get up and go out there. So you've got to put that fear to the side and go out in faith to overcome that.

Search For winding In Quotes 5

But by the time I was 40 everything was winding down. It started after the war. On the plus side there was more more products and technology. But for me the nightlife was winding down the glamour the fun.

I'm not suggesting people abandon musical instruments and start playing their cars and apartments but I do think the reign of music as a commodity made only by professionals might be winding down.

There are moments when a man's imagination so easily subdued to what it lives in suddenly rises above its daily level and surveys the long windings of destiny.

I like to cook Indian food when I can. I find the process of creating a home-cooked meal to be unwinding.

May your trails be crooked winding lonesome dangerous leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.