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I'm not as angry as I used to be. But I can get in touch with that anger pretty quickly if I feel my space is being invaded or somebody is not treating me with the respect that I think I want.

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If it was raining soup the Irish would go out with forks.

I know. I'm lazy. But I made myself a New Years resolution that I would write myself something really special. Which means I have 'til December right?

If you asked me for my New Year Resolution it would be to find out who I am.

I would want my legacy to be that I was a great son father and friend.

I decided in my life that I would do nothing that did not reflect positively on my father's life.

Then when I got in the military I used to host - even in high school - I hosted the talent shows and when I was in the military I would host all of our base Christmas parties and stuff.

I wouldn't recommend young kids see 'Speedway Junkie.' It's definitely an age-appropriate movie - dark and realistic and edgy. If young kids want to see me go see the Christmas movie.

So when I was 13 I basically left home and never returned and lived at home again. I would come home for a week at Christmas and two weeks in the summer only.

Yeah I started when I was 6 years old. My brother and sister would get all of these presents at Christmas time from the cast and crew of their show and I was jealous. So I decided that I had to become an actor.

'The war in Iraq - if Osama was a Christian - it's the Christmas present he never would have expected.

In the spring of 1994 I decided not to seek reelection to the Senate. I had made the decision 12 years earlier Christmas Day of 1982 just after I had been first elected to a full term that I would do the best I could for a limited time.

I had eight brothers and sisters. Every Christmas my younger brother Bobby would wake up extra early and open everybody's presents - everybody's - so by the time the rest of us got up all the gifts were shredded ribbons off torn open and thrown aside.

My Christmas wish would be to have an entire week off. To spend it with my family and just curl up and watch Christmas movies when it's snowing outside.

My mother would give my brothers and me a pile of catalogues and let us pick what we wanted for Christmas.

May I share with you my earliest memory of a political row? It was with my mother about the Queen - classic Freudian stuff shrinks would say. I was eight and refusing to watch the Queen's Christmas Day broadcast.

From a commercial point of view if Christmas did not exist it would be necessary to invent it.

What I had to prove was that I had a dedication and a desire and a passion to do the work and everything else would fall in place because I have a vision that I want to portray and it did and I do it. I don't sell anything.

The thing about the 600 words I mean some day you can do a very very very hard day's work and not write a word just revising or you would scribble a few words.

The things that have always been important: to be a good man to try to live my life the way God would have me to turn it over to Him that His will might be worked in my life to do my work without looking back to give it all I've got and to take pride in my work as an honest performer.

It is not real work unless you would rather be doing something else.

Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.

I stayed away from mathematics not so much because I knew it would be hard work as because of the amount of time I knew it would take hours spent in a field where I was not a natural.

To work hard to live hard to die hard and then go to hell after all would be too damn hard.

Every reader finds himself. The writer's work is merely a kind of optical instrument that makes it possible for the reader to discern what without this book he would perhaps never have seen in himself.