Search For history In Quotes 1063

We have such a long familiar history with Peter Falk. The minute his mug is on that screen people smile.

The problem with allowing God a role in the history of life is not that science would cease but rather that scientists would have to acknowledge the existence of something important which is outside the boundaries of natural science.

Science Fiction is not just about the future of space ships travelling to other planets it is fiction based on science and I am using science as my basis for my fiction but it's the science of prehistory - palaeontology and archaeology - rather than astronomy or physics.

Global Warming: It is a hoax. It is bad science. It is high-jacking public policy. It is the greatest scam in history.

One hardly knows where in the history of science to look for an important movement that had its effective start in so pure and simple an accident as that which led to the building of the great Washington telescope and went on to the discovery of the satellites of Mars.

As a child I read science fiction but from the very beginnings of my reading for pleasure I read a lot of non-fictional history particularly historical biography.

Gender consciousness has become involved in almost every intellectual field: history literature science anthropology. There's been an extraordinary advance.

Science fiction has its own history its own legacy of what's been done what's been superseded what's so much part of the furniture it's practically part of the fabric now what's become no more than a joke... and so on. It's just plain foolish as well as comically arrogant to ignore all this to fail to do the most basic research.

We're uncomfortable about considering history as a science. It's classified as a social science which is considered not quite scientific.

Tasmanian history is a study of human isolation unprecedented except in science fiction - namely complete isolation from other humans for 10 000 years.

Research is of considerable importance in certain fields such as science and history.

I was a daydreamer and there is a lot of history and geography and science I missed out on because I was in my head. And I regret that.

One would have to have completely forgotten the history of science so as to not remember that the desire to know nature has had the most constant and the happiest influence on the development of mathematics.

Informed by our sad experience of history we require nothing short of a foundation for lasting democracy.

The whole westward expansion myth is seen as romantic. But it's a joke a blot on American history.

My object will be first to show by what connections the history of the fossil bones of land animals is linked to the theory of the earth and why they have a particular importance in this respect.

I am very proud to come back to speak on the disinterested effort we have made and I believe that with all due respect that the decisions we made when we turned our final report over to President Johnson will stand in history.

That is a Medieval way of drawing history in which they do not respect the law and want the rest of the world to respect the law. That's not possible.

I think any period in history can be adapted into interesting fiction as long as you approach the actual history with respect.

Christianity is usually called a religion. As a religion it has had a wider geographic spread and is more deeply rooted among more peoples than any other religion in the history of mankind.

And religion causes most of the problems war and economics of course and study your history or you're going to repeat it and if you're burning a Harry Potter book you need some serious counseling you don't get it you're missing the whole point.

All religions have periods in their history which are looked back to with retrospective fear and trembling as eras of persecution and each religion has its own book of martyrs.

History is the key to everything: politics religion even fashion.

When I'm not writing I read loads of fiction but I've been writing quite constantly lately so I've been reading a lot of nonfiction - philosophy religion science history social or cultural studies.