Search For ideology In Quotes 35

Men are restless adventurous. Women are conservative - despite what current ideology says.

To a considerable extent we are faced by a technology arms race with terrorists. The communications revolution has made it easier for terrorist groups to reach out to vulnerable individuals with their violent extremist ideology and propaganda. It has also facilitated fundraising recruitment and training.

The Chinese government is quickly losing its ideological legitimacy maintain its rule with force but cannot draw strength from the ideology of Marx and Mao.

Well you got to remember bin Laden killed 3 000 Americans and in some ways he and his ideology killed tens of thousands of his fellow Muslims including Pakistanis. I understand that that was provocative and complicated for Pakistan but only if you accept the idea that he was an acceptable member of Pakistani society.

Ideology... is indispensable in any society if men are to be formed transformed and equipped to respond to the demands of their conditions of existence.

He who stands aloof runs the risk of believing himself better than others and misusing his critique of society as an ideology for his private interest.

Ostensibly rigorous and realistic contemporary conservatism is an ideology of denial. Its symbol is a smile button.

Political ideology can corrupt the mind and science.

Religion was used as an ideology as a system of control. When they forced the veil upon women they were using it as an instrument of control in the same way that in Mao's China people were wearing Mao jackets and women were not supposed to wear any makeup.

How can you tell when a political ideology has become the equivalent of a religion?

Nevertheless there is another threat on the horizon. I see this threat in environmentalism which is becoming a new dominant ideology if not a religion. Its main weapon is raising the alarm and predicting the human life endangering climate change based on man-made global warming.

There is no religion in which everyday life is not considered a prison there is no philosophy or ideology that does not think that we live in alienation.

To defeat the aggressors is not enough to make peace durable. The main thing is to discard the ideology that generates war.

The threat today is not that of the 1930s. It's not big powers going to war with each other. The ravages which fundamentalist political ideology inflicted on the 20th century are memories. The Cold war is over. Europe is at peace if not always diplomatically.

You can't be suspicious of a tree or accuse a bird or a squirrel of subversion or challenge the ideology of a violet.

The ideology of the Smashing Pumpkins was ultimately more valuable than the music of the Smashing Pumpkins. That's what critics can't put their finger on.

For the first time in our history ideology and theology hold a monopoly of power in Washington.

When you say things like 'We have to wipe out the Taliban ' what does that mean? The Taliban is not a fixed number of people. The Taliban is an ideology that has sprung out of a history that you know America created anyway.

Americans want and deserve a broad array of health insurance choices so they can identify those that best fit their own individual or family needs. These choices expand when we allow free enterprise to foster innovation not smother it with taxes and one-size fits all ideology.

As the economy faces such difficulties more tough questions need to be asked about what the Tories would do if elected. Their ideology of free markets and small government needs challenging. That has to be part of our job.

We can choose between the future and the past between reason and ignorance between true compassion and mere ideology.

It's about time we make the well-being of our young people more important than ideology and politics. As a country we benefit from investing in their future by investing in teen pregnancy prevention.

Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which we hope other will share with us.

You know this is a war of ideology a war of thoughts and of faith. And we need people to really stand for faith and trust not hope and change.