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My mother was a modern woman with a limited interest in religion. When the sun set and the fast of the Day of Atonement ended she shot from the synagogue like a rocket to dance the Charleston.

Search For principal In Quotes 39

Each day as I travel through downtown Tucson I am amazed at how quickly the most ancient of human behaviors have changed. For as long as there have been Homo sapiens - roughly 200 000 years - people have filled their lives principally with two activities: talking directly with other people and doing physical things.

My grandmother was a teacher my sister was a teacher my daughter was a teacher and is now a superintendent in northern California and my son-in-law is a high school principal. I am surrounded.

To smile at the jest which plants a thorn in another's breast is to become a principal in the mischief.

Change is the principal feature of our age and literature should explore how people deal with it. The best science fiction does that head-on.

We will work with industrial or Dept. Of Defence sponsorship as long as we keep our principals of openness firm we're proud to work with the military and they respect that in turn.

I say quite deliberately that the Christian religion as organized in its Churches has been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world.

The American polity is infected with a serious imbalance of power between elites and masses a power which is the principal threat to our democracy.

I had many teachers that were great positive role models and taught me to be a good person and stand up and be a good man. A lot of the principals they taught me still affect how I act sometimes and it's 30 years later.

Patriotism must be founded on great principals and supported by great virtue.

Is there some principal of nature which states that we never know the quality of what we have until it is gone?

I have terrible hearing trouble. I have unwittingly helped to invent and refine a type of music that makes its principal proponents deaf.

My principal motivation is supporting my family which is not a bad reason for getting up in the morning. That's always been my motivation - to take care of the people who rely on me.

Being a woman is a terribly difficult task since it consists principally in dealing with men.

Love is something far more than desire for sexual intercourse it is the principal means of escape from the loneliness which afflicts most men and women throughout the greater part of their lives.

I worked as a lawyer as a member of the teaching staff of a technical college and then I worked principally as legal adviser to Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party.

The Tea Party was born out of the disgust many Americans felt early in the financial crisis upon learning that the federal government was even contemplating reducing the principal on some troubled mortgages.

One can decide that the principal role of knowledge is as an indispensable element in the functioning of society and act in accordance with that decision only if one has already decided that society is a giant machine.

There are three principal means of acquiring knowledge... observation of nature reflection and experimentation. Observation collects facts reflection combines them experimentation verifies the result of that combination.

One of the principal goals in my life has been to avoid embarrassing my children by doing the job I do. I hope I've managed to do that and I hope that with the job I'm in now they are if not proud at least unembarrassed by it. I must say my three are most agreeable children who do nothing but delight me.

I remind everyone: Whether you school them at home or send them to school you as a parent have the responsibility to make sure they learn and behave. Teachers and principals may help but parents are the ones who must accept responsibility.

Smoking is the now the principal avoidable cause of premature death in Britain. It hits the worst off people hardest of all. Smoking is one of the principal causes of the health gap which leads to poorer people being ill more often and dying sooner.

I want to assure your excellency that I am occupying myself permanently and jointly with my team to achieve a solution as soon as possible to this crisis the principal objective being the safeguarding of the health and life of those who are inside.

There's nothing more important than our good health - that's our principal capital asset.

If we did not look to marriage as the principal source of happiness fewer marriages would end in tears.