Search For scope In Quotes 33

War is a racket. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

I am very excited to accept the role of Honorary Patron with Hope Air because of the national scope of the organization and the very real impact they have on Canadians who need to travel to healthcare.

We see past time in a telescope and present time in a microscope. Hence the apparent enormities of the present.

Waste is worse than loss. The time is coming when every person who lays claim to ability will keep the question of waste before him constantly. The scope of thrift is limitless.

We've protected thousands of people in Libya we have not seen a single U.S. casualty there's no risks of additional escalation. This operation is limited in time and in scope.

Microsoft is engaging in unlawful predatory practices that go well beyond the scope of fair competition.

For my confirmation I didn't get a watch and my first pair of long pants like most Lutheran boys. I got a telescope. My mother thought it would make the best gift.

For globalization to work for America it must work for working people. We should measure the success of our economy by the breadth of our middle class and the scope of opportunity offered to the poorest child to climb into that middle class.

One hardly knows where in the history of science to look for an important movement that had its effective start in so pure and simple an accident as that which led to the building of the great Washington telescope and went on to the discovery of the satellites of Mars.

Mythology and science both extend the scope of human beings. Like science and technology mythology as we shall see is not about opting out of this world but about enabling us to live more intensely within it.

I've traveled around the country and I read local newspapers and all of that and it's a sad sad thing to go from city to city and see the small newspapers and they're tiny. They're tiny not only in size but also in scope.

It's always a combination of physics and poetry that I find inspiring. It's hard to wrap your head around things like the Hubble scope.

The core of the movie business remains intact and it's not descending in scope. Studios want movies that are bigger than ever.

It is necessary for him who lays out a state and arranges laws for it to presuppose that all men are evil and that they are always going to act according to the wickedness of their spirits whenever they have free scope.

Love looks through a telescope envy through a microscope.

The development of the telescope together with increased knowledge of things brought men to see that the earth is not what man had once thought it to be.

Tears are often the telescope by which men see far into heaven.

Use your imagination and you'll see that even the most narrow humdrum lives are infinite in scope if you examine them with enough care.

The soul without imagination is what an observatory would be without a telescope.

I like nonsense it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.

The fact is if our primary legislative goals are to repeal and replace the health spending bill to end the bailouts cut spending and shrink the size and scope of government the only way to do all these things it is to put someone in the White House who won't veto any of these things.

You are that vast thing that you see far far off with great telescopes.

A weak mind is like a microscope which magnifies trifling things but cannot receive great ones.

Of the various forms of government which have prevailed in the world an hereditary monarchy seems to present the fairest scope for ridicule.