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My approach to cutting spending as president is to do a ten percent across the board cut of all federal agencies and then ask each of my new agency heads to find another ten percent by drilling down. That's what you do in business to come up with approximately 20 percent cuts for the first fiscal year budget.

I believe that being successful means having a balance of success stories across the many areas of your life. You can't truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles.

I think that Phil Kaufman is one of the best directors that I have come across.

My attitude about Hollywood is that I wouldn't walk across the street to pull one of those executives out of the snow if he was bleeding to death. Not unless I was paid for it. None of them ever did me any favors.

It is impossible to exaggerate the wide and widening gulf between the American attitude on the Iraq war and the view from our friends across the Atlantic.

Poetry is not only dream and vision it is the skeleton architecture of our lives. It lays the foundations for a future of change a bridge across our fears of what has never been before.

I was so happy that it filmed in New York not only because it's an amazing city but also because a lot of people across the world somehow started to think about New York as a dangerous place to be and envisioned it as some war zone after that happened.

I think I came across Cecil Taylor a bit later in 65 or 66. That really impressed me - Cecil Taylor is an amazing character... Both his music and the way he approaches the instrument are astonishing.

If Martin Scorsese calls I am available. And then there the ones well you can just run down the list - any of those Oscar-nominated films they have amazing directors across the board.

Growing up I looked up to major league baseball players and now these young women have amazing incredible women all across the board from swimming to gymnastics to softball to basketball.

The magic kit we developed with Idea Village is an extraordinary success in 40 000 stores across America. The TV commercial we shot for it has produced amazing results - unbelievable.

I delight in my family obligations but they leave little time for breaks let alone quick trips across the country.

When I walked to school in the mornings I would start out alone but would pick up four other boys along the way. We would set out together after school across the village green.

I knew at a young age whether I was playing baseball or hockey or lacrosse that my teammates were counting on me whether it be to strike the last batter out in a baseball game or score a big goal in a hockey game.

Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire it wafts across the electrified borders.