Search For appear In Quotes 272

The mark of a good action is that it appears inevitable in retrospect.

It is the mark of a good action that it appears inevitable in retrospect.

Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.

The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear.

I object to violence because when it appears to do good the good is only temporary the evil it does is permanent.

Every good relationship especially marriage is based on respect. If it's not based on respect nothing that appears to be good will last very long.

Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth so virtue appears from good deeds and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.

If one could conclude as to the nature of the Creator from a study of his creation it would appear that God has a special fondness for stars and beetles.

Cure yourself of the affliction of caring how you appear to others. Concern yourself only with how you appear before God concern yourself only with the idea that God may have of you.

Scientific views end in awe and mystery lost at the edge in uncertainty but they appear to be so deep and so impressive that the theory that it is all arranged as a stage for God to watch man's struggle for good and evil seems inadequate.

As different streams having different sources all mingle their waters in the sea so different tendencies various though they appear crooked or straight all lead to God.

There are people in the world so hungry that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.

Overall the anarchy was the most creative of all periods of Japanese culture for in it there appeared the greatest landscape painting the culmination of the skill of landscape gardening and the arts of flower arrangement and the No drama.

A garden is a complex of aesthetic and plastic intentions and the plant is to a landscape artist not only a plant - rare unusual ordinary or doomed to disappearance - but it is also a color a shape a volume or an arabesque in itself.

Blade Runner appears regularly two or three times a year in various shapes and forms of science fiction. It set the pace for what is essentially urban science fiction urban future and it's why I've never re-visited that area because I feel I've done it.

When a scientist is ahead of his times it is often through misunderstanding of current rather than intuition of future truth. In science there is never any error so gross that it won't one day from some perspective appear prophetic.

During the Great Depression when people laughed their worries disappeared. Audiences loved these funny men. I decided to become one.

It's funny because I'm a man of strong opinions and when I make one I stand by it even if it starts to appear incorrect to me after a while.

I've dated some women who have turned me on to some funny things that are strange for men to actually do but these things have become part of my process. I think the things I do for my appearance help make me look better. I even colour my hair because I like how it makes me look.

I was making my living from a joke about my appearance that I didn't understand and in a way still don't because when I look in a mirror it doesn't seem funny to me.

When friendship disappears then there is a space left open to that awful loneliness of the outside world which is like the cold space between the planets. It is an air in which men perish utterly.

Conjugal love or the friendship of spouses can persist even after sexual desires have weakened withered and disappeared.

It the British System is the most gigantic system of slavery the world has yet seen and therefore it is that freedom gradually disappears from every country over which England is enabled to obtain control.

I'm interested in anything about revolt disorder chaos especially activity that appears to have no meaning. It seems to me to be the road toward freedom.