Search For changed In Quotes 219

Find the human in the technology. The currency marketers trade in has not changed even if the methods have. Emotion is what we exchange.

The doctrine of the Kingdom of Heaven which was the main teaching of Jesus is certainly one of the most revolutionary doctrines that ever stirred and changed human thought.

I don't think success has changed us as people at all. We are the same lunatics that we were when this band first got going. We never see ourselves as being on a higher level than our fans.

Every social organisation which is rooted in life still lasts a long time even after the conditions from which it drew its strength have changed in a manner unfavourable to it.

The two major things that changed the makeup of all professional sports are money generated by television and courts that players went to in order to win their freedom as free agents.

I know I could be the host of 'SportsCenter' in two years if I changed my show today to sports.

Therefore a person should first be changed by a teacher's instructions and guided by principles of ritual. Only then can he observe the rules of courtesy and humility obey the conventions and rules of society and achieve order.

I can't say that I've changed anybody's life ever and that's the real work of the world if you want a better society.

So my style has hopefully changed over the years and it is more relaxed and I do tend to smile and have more than one expression these days hopefully - which I didn't at the beginning.

The world has changed - through technology through wine-making techniques the quality of wine is greater than it's ever been. Whereas ten fifteen years ago it was very easy to find lots of bad wine it's kind of hard now. The technology the science - it's like are you kidding? We're in the golden years of wine!

You know they just don't make big movie stars the way they used to maybe because the system has changed the studio system but it's sad to see people like Jimmy Stewart go all the giants of the past.

All he cares about is going out there with his Jack Daniels bottle. Nothing has changed. That's kind of sad. If David was doing better than he used to be then that would be different. But it was a joke and he made it that way.

The language of America changed with the election of Bill Clinton because with all due respect to my friends on the Republican side Bill Clinton is the best communicator of the last 50 years. He felt your pain.

I do think that at one time being an actress was the equivalent almost of being a prostitute. It garnered roughly the same respect. That's changed a lot thank goodness.

Having two daughters changed my perspective on a lot of things and I definitely have a newfound respect for women. And I think I finally became a good and real man when I had a daughter.

Many of us saw religion as harmless nonsense. Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but we thought if people needed a crutch for consolation where's the harm? September 11th changed all that.

My life was changed in one breath from God.

In the past I would self destruct when it came to love - I was immature throwing myself into things but now times have changed I want a relationship where you understand the other person.

Nothing has changed in our relationship with East West. We have no relationship with East West. We've been withholding our labour for almost seven years now.

So after the Lewinsky scandal everything changed and we moved from using the Bible to address the moral issues of our time which were social to moral issues of our time that were very personal. I have continued that relationship up until the present.

For the most part that message hasn't changed a lot over the years - love is still love and heartbreak is still heartbreak.

I think actors are getting so much more power these days but I'm not. I stay very much away from the decisions the way in which things are orchestrated what's been changed. I just try to stay completely in the role as the actor and as the character.

The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe.

The rules have changed. True power is held by the person who possesses the largest bookshelf not gun cabinet or wallet.