Search For common In Quotes 364

My greatest strength is common sense. I'm really a standard brand - like Campbell's tomato soup or Baker's chocolate.

I know my strengths. Painfully aware of the weaknesses. There's many. I love sports. So working towards a common goal that's exciting to me.

People have called me Superman my whole life. In various sports that seems to be the common theme. My favorite superhero is actually the Incredible Hulk. He's the only superhero that can't die.

I hate all sports as rabidly as a person who likes sports hates common sense.

There is no longer a single common impediment to blacks emerging in this society.

Anarchists are socialists because they want the improvement of society and they are communists because they are convinced that such a transformation of society can only result from the establishment of a commonwealth of property.

If we all say the same thing then I think the government has to listen. But because no one is saying it I become singled out even though what I'm saying is common sense. It's very essential values that we all have to protect. But in Chinese society people are giving up on protecting these values.

Every society rests in the last resort on the recognition of common principles and common ideals and if it makes no moral or spiritual appeal to the loyalty of its members it must inevitably fall to pieces.

These groups within a society can he distinguished according as to whether like an army or an orchestra they function as a single body or whether they are united merely to defend their common interests and otherwise function as separate individuals.

For too long in this society we have celebrated unrestrained individualism over common community.

Racism is beyond common sense and has no place in our society.

Am I a criminal? The world knows I'm not a criminal. What are they trying to put me in jail for? You've lost common sense in this society because of religious fanaticism and dogma.

Society is always taken by surprise at any new example of common sense.

I grew up a Red Sox fan. I grew up going to Fenway Park and the Museum of Fine Arts and the Science Museum and Symphony Hall and going to the Common walking around. My whole family at different times lived and worked in Boston.

It is this at its most basic that makes science a humane pursuit it acknowledges the commonality of people's experience.

If we reject science we reject the common man.

The world of science and the world of literature have much in common. Each is an international club helping to tie mankind together across barriers of nationality race and language. I have been doubly lucky being accepted as a member of both.

Science is nothing but trained and organized common sense.

Science is a first-rate piece of furniture for a man's upper chamber if he has common sense on the ground floor.

Science is organized common sense where many a beautiful theory was killed by an ugly fact.

We sincerely hope that south Asian countries will respect and live in amity with each other and achieve common development and that south Asia will enjoy peace stability and prosperity.

The E.U. is more than just a trade organization or a common market it is a guarantee of democracy freedom justice and human rights. Nations cannot stay in the E.U. if they do not respect these guarantees.

The common denominator all Latinos have is that we want some respect. That's what we're all fighting for.

Alabama citizens like the vast majority of Americans respect and value the meaning of decency and appreciate public institutions that reflect the common values of our society.