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Remaining vigilant toward this ever-present threat means constantly learning how better to protect ourselves. But primarily it reminds us that we must fight and win the war on terror so that we do not have to fight it here in America.

I'm constantly learning and that is the greatest gift of life in my opinion - to always be learning and growing.

I've bought pretty much every book ever written about the Alamo and I talk to my friends that I've made over the past 15 20 years. It's just a constant learning and fascinating thing for me.

I have no control over what people think of me but I have 100% control of what I think of myself and that is so important. And not just about your body but so many ways of confidence. You're constantly learning how to be confident aren't you?

You have no power at all if you do not exercise constant power.

For the progress of scientific knowledge will lead to a constant increase of expenditure.

Knowledge has to be improved challenged and increased constantly or it vanishes.

Further for once I like the idea that people who think I'm a constant voice for the furthering of the imagination have to see that interest in a more materialistic fashion.

Every time you get on a stage or in front of a camera the whole exercise is about imagination. You're constantly depicting something that doesn't exist and trying to find the reality of it. Once you settle on that premise everything else is a matter of degrees.

There's a hysterical tired sense of humor that comes after working 14 hours a day six days a week. I like those things because they take the pressure off the constant stress.

I'm constantly thinking about what I'll do next. I never count on music being a career of longevity. I mean longevity is key and I hope that it lasts but you just don't know because it's not in your hands you don't make the decision.

I think because my life is so insane and it's constantly going at 120 miles per hour my favorite thing to do is sit at home in front of the TV and check out.

I like to listen to mellow stuff on the road like Travis as we are constantly surrounded by rock music on tour and so its nice listening to mellow stuff. Obviously back at home I listen to a lot more rock music.

Working in an office with an array of electronic devices is like trying to get something done at home with half a dozen small children around. The calls for attention are constant.

History will see advertising as one of the real evil things of our time. It is stimulating people constantly to want things want this want that.

My life in Brooklyn was in constant danger because of my bad health.

In civilized life where the happiness and indeed almost the existence of man depends on the opinion of his fellow men. He is constantly acting a studied part.

I am deeply grateful for the concern of all those who constantly prayed for my happiness.

Happiness exists on earth and it is won through prudent exercise of reason knowledge of the harmony of the universe and constant practice of generosity.

In other words don't expect to always be great. Disappointments failures and setbacks are a normal part of the lifecycle of a unit or a company and what the leader has to do is constantly be up and say 'we have a problem let's go and get it'.

When a great team loses through complacency it will constantly search for new and more intricate explanations to explain away defeat.

Seeds of great discoveries are constantly floating around us but they only take root in minds well prepared to receive them.

A constant struggle a ceaseless battle to bring success from inhospitable surroundings is the price of all great achievements.

The lesson should be constantly enforced that though the people support the Government Government should not support the people.