Search For contain In Quotes 81

Be what you would seem to be - or if you'd like it put more simply - a house is no home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.

A house is no home unless it contain food and fire for the mind as well as for the body.

A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.

Why do people do things that they fear? It may be that the fear contains information. Something can be interesting if you get to the other side of that fear.

Faith always contains an element of risk of venture and we are impelled to make the venture by the affinity and attraction which we feel in ourselves.

The fact that The Bridge contains folk lore and other material suitable to the epic form need not therefore prove its failure as a long lyric poem with interrelated sections.

Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have might have and should have.

In my experience there is only one motivation and that is desire. No reasons or principle contain it or stand against it.

I sought my father in the world of the black musician because it contained wisdom experience sadness and loneliness. I was not ever interested in the music of boys. From my youngest years I was interested in the music of men.

The institution of a public library containing books on education would be well adapted for the information of teachers many of whom are not able to purchase expensive publications on those subjects.

Any education that matters is liberal. All the saving truths all the healing graces that distinguish a good education from a bad one or a full education from a half empty one are contained in that word.

If adolescent pregnancy prevention is to become a priority then our strategy as advocates must contain two key elements: civic engagement and education.

In opposition to this detachment he finds an image of man which contains within itself man's dreams man's illness man's redemption from the misery of poverty - poverty which can no longer be for him a sign of the acceptance of life.

The buildings that I build very often have a dreamlike reality. I don't mean by that they have a fantasy quality at all in fact quite the reverse. They contain in some degree the ingredients that give dreams their power... stuff that's very close to us.

Everyone is going to binge on a diet for instance so plan for it schedule it and contain the damage.

The amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius mental vigor and moral courage it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric marks the chief danger of the time.

Eccentricity has always abounded when and where strength of character had abounded and the amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius mental vigor and courage which it contained.

Man seeks to change the foods available in nature to suit his tastes thereby putting an end to the very essence of life contained in them.

Rest assured that whatever station of life we are placed princely or lowly it contains the lessons and experiences necessary at the moment for our evolution and gives us the best advantage for the development of ourselves.

I hold that the perfection of form and beauty is contained in the sum of all men.

An artist is an artist only because of his exquisite sense of beauty a sense which shows him intoxicating pleasures but which at the same time implies and contains an equally exquisite sense of all deformities and all disproportion.

Most sets of values would give rise to universes that although they might be very beautiful would contain no one able to wonder at that beauty.

I think one of the things that language poets are very involved with is getting away from conventional ideas of beauty because those ideas contain a certain attitude toward women certain attitudes toward sex certain attitudes toward race etc.

An attitude to life which seeks fulfillment in the single-minded pursuit of wealth - in short materialism - does not fit into this world because it contains within itself no limiting principle while the environment in which it is placed is strictly limited.