Search For discover In Quotes 296

The film is about Joe discovering who his mother and father are and his relationship with them and the identity crisis he goes through once he finds out who his parents are.

I've discovered just how symbiotic the relationship is between writers directors and actors. They ask the same questions and strip down texts in exactly the same way.

I feel there's a power in theatre but it's an indirect power. It's like the relationship of the sleeper to the unconscious. You discover things you can't afford to countenance in waking life. You can forget them remember them a day later or not have any idea what they are about.

The basic discovery about any people is the discovery of the relationship between men and women.

The bitterest creature under heaven is the wife who discovers that her husband's bravery is only bravado that his strength is only a uniform that his power is but a gun in the hands of a fool.

Using the power you derive from the discovery of the truth about racism in South Africa you will help us to remake our part of the world into a corner of the globe on which all - of which all of humanity can be proud.

Only through destroying myself can I discover the greater power of my spirit.

The only positive finding which could be drawn from the first series was the conclusion that the relationships obviously had a more complicated lay-out than had been thought for the effects were so varied that no obedience to any law could be discovered.

No matter where I go - London Beirut Jerusalem Washington Beijing or Bangalore - I'm always looking to rediscover that land of ten thousand lakes where politics actually worked to make people's lives better not pull them apart.

I was looking for something like baseball where there's a lot of data and the competition was pretty low. That's when I discovered politics.

I heard Nirvana and discovered that songs could be like poetry but a little bit more refined: you didn't have to have 20 verses to get your point across.

Then I discovered I loved writing poetry more than fiction.

A poem in form still has to have voice gesture a sense of discovery a metaphoric connection as any poetry does.

Poetry has been to me its own exceeding great reward it has given me the habit of wishing to discover the good and beautiful in all that meets and surrounds me.

He who has religion will speak poetry. But philosophy is the tool with which to seek and discover religion.

I used to love dogs until I discovered cats.

The real discovery is the one which enables me to stop doing philosophy when I want to. The one that gives philosophy peace so that it is no longer tormented by questions which bring itself into question.

I'd love to go back to Europe in the '20s and '30s for the beginning of the Psychoanalytic Movement and Freud and Jung and all that was going on with discoveries in quantum physics. The whole nature of reality was changing and being challenged.

Doubtless there are things in nature which have not yet been seen. If an artist discovers them he opens the way for his successors.

You can never stop discovering music.

My music must reflect whatever's going on in my mind and my life needs to evolve for me to discover who it is I'm becoming.

When I was a teenager I began to settle into school because I'd discovered the extracurricular activities that interested me: music and theater.

I think a spiritual journey is not so much a journey of discovery. It's a journey of recovery. It's a journey of uncovering your own inner nature. It's already there.

I think there's a real joy in going to see movies when you discover them yourself.