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The first trip I remember taking was on the train from Virginia up to New York City watching the summertime countryside rolling past the window. They used white linen tablecloths in the dining car in those days and real silver. I love trains to this day. Maybe that was the beginning of my fixation with leisurely modes of travel.

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I think technology has changed America not any one organization. Technology is taking the power away from the few. There'll be a lot more choices and good people who are doing serious stuff will survive and there'll be a lot more voices and that is very healthy.

But while doing that I'd been following a variety of fields in science and technology including the work in molecular biology genetic engineering and so forth.

I carry my own film guys with me now. People think that's a huge expense but with technology like it is these days it's not. You can film videos and everything with a Canon Mark II and shoot a movie. They're doing it for next to nothing by comparison. I can do ten videos for a project for the price of one mainstream video in the past.

Don't leave hold of your common sense. Think about what you're doing and how the technology can enhance it. Don't think about technology first.

Therefore you are not training young people for the world of today and the world of tomorrow unless you are doing proven technology training. That is one of the reasons I'm so concerned.

Now a lot of what we are doing right now quite frankly is because of what happened on Christmas. Many of the things were kind of in the works. We were already planning for example the purchase and deployment of advanced imaging technology. You call them body scanners. We call them AITs (Advanced Imaging Technologies).

What we're doing is making sure that we have a safe and secure border region from San Diego all the way to Brownsville. And that means manpower it means technology it means infrastructure it means interior enforcement. All you know kind of layered in appropriate ways and making sure like I said before the border is safe and secure.

I have run large organizations I know what it takes to create a healthy business climate and I have more experience than Jerry Brown doing that. So it'll be a stark contrast a career politician vs. someone who has met a payroll gotten a return on investment knows how to use technology to do more with less.

There are no morals about technology at all. Technology expands our ways of thinking about things expands our ways of doing things. If we're bad people we use technology for bad purposes and if we're good people we use it for good purposes.

I'm always interested in what you can do with technology that people haven't thought of doing yet.

I do home schooling. I went to regular school until fifth grade and then I started doing home schooling which it's completely different. I have a teacher on set with me and I just work with her one-on-one.

Once I accomplish one thing and I'm satisfied I try something else. I may be 50 and doing something totally outside of music and acting. Maybe I'll become a kindergarten teacher.

When I was about 13 or 14 I had an English teacher who made a deal with me that I could get out of doing all of the year's regular work if I would write a short story a week and on Friday read it to the class.

He was very commanding and you had to know what you were doing to work for Mr. Rogers. I learned how to ride very quickly with him as my riding teacher.

My mother was an English teacher who decided to become a math teacher and she used me as a guinea pig at home. My father had been a math teacher and then went to work at a steel mill because frankly he could make more money doing that.

You know a lot of those angry sort of Southern man characters that I've been doing are based on different people I might've had as like a soccer coach or as a teacher.

I had a really creative teacher at primary school. He used to get us doing things such as singing Spandau Ballet in drag in the choir and I remember loving it.

In the ideal classroom the teacher is either spending all of their time doing deep interventions with students on a one-on-one basis or facilitating true interactivity - labs simulations projects.

A hallmark of the Latino community is to help one another if students are interested in a way to give back and help their communities becoming a teacher is probably one of the very best ways of doing that.

If I can make a teacher's salary doing comedy I think that's better than being a teacher.

I thought doing reality TV would be the greatest success of my life or the biggest mistake.

I came from a family where I felt great pressure to be financially successful and I felt that staying in Chicago and doing theater I was in all likelihood not going to find financial success.

For the past few years I was the more visible Asian performer and I think it gave young girls a kind of role model showing it's possible to actually reach success doing movies.

I want to make sure I don't interfere with the success of that team next year. I don't see any way I could go to practice like most of 'em do and not hurt the team. I'd go nuts if I tried doing that.