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I know some people will be surprised to hear it but I've found that my music whether its blues or rock or whatever you want to call it can be channeled into a positive direction that actually helps people.

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Information can bring you choices and choices bring power - educate yourself about your options and choices. Never remain in the dark of ignorance.

The oil companies regard nuclear power as their rival who will reduce their profits so they put out a lot of disinformation about nuclear power.

I think that if your approach is one where you don't want to alienate anybody you're going to have to soften the viewpoint or the information that you're offering to such an extent that it doesn't have the power to make any difference. You have to take that risk.

I am of mixed minds about the issue of privacy. On one hand I understand that information is power and power is well power so keeping your private information to yourself is essential - especially if you are a controversial figure a celebrity or a dissident.

The American people should be made aware of the trend toward monopolization of the great public information vehicles and the concentration of more and more power over public opinion in fewer and fewer hands.

I believe in the transformational power of liberty. I believe that the free Iraq is in this nation's interests. I believe a free Afghanistan is in this nation's interest.

King's response to our crisis can be put in one word: revolution. A revolution in our priorities a reevaluation of our values a reinvigoration of our public life and a fundamental transformation of our way of thinking and living that promotes a transfer of power from oligarchs and plutocrats to everyday people and ordinary citizens.

Suppliers and especially manufacturers have market power because they have information about a product or a service that the customer does not and cannot have and does not need if he can trust the brand. This explains the profitability of brands.

This revolution the information revoultion is a revolution of free energy as well but of another kind: free intellectual energy. It's very crude today yet our Macintosh computer takes less power than a 100-watt bulb to run it and it can save you hours a day. What will it be able to do ten or 20 years from now or 50 years from now?

There is something about inside information which seems to paralyse a man's reasoning powers.

Imagine a civilisation that's way in advance of us wants to communicate with us and assist us in our development. The information we provide to them must reflect our highest aspirations and ideals and not just be some crazy person's bizarre politics or religion.

Is there any purpose to translating poetry? A poem does not contain information of importance like a signpost or a warning notice.

A poem is true if it hangs together. Information points to something else. A poem points to nothing but itself.

I have this pet thing about how global communications are moving so fast now throwing information at you making everything available to you and yet I feel it's leaving us more and more isolated.

In particular the efforts to reestablish peace after the World War have been directed toward the formation of states and the regulation of their frontiers according to a consciously national program.

In all her history from the formation of the federal government until the hour of secession no year stands out more prominently than the year 1858 as evidencing the national patriotism of Virginia.

We lament the speed of our society and the lack of depth and the nature of disposable information.

The moral virtues then are produced in us neither by nature nor against nature. Nature indeed prepares in us the ground for their reception but their complete formation is the product of habit.

The ground we walk on the plants and creatures the clouds above constantly dissolving into new formations - each gift of nature possessing its own radiant energy bound together by cosmic harmony.

I'd love to do a modern-day musical that's full of original music. To get your contemporaries to sing and dance without looking foolish and for it to be transformational and magical and all those things a musical is supposed to be.

The absolute transformation of everything that we ever thought about music will take place within 10 years and nothing is going to be able to stop it. I see absolutely no point in pretending that it's not going to happen. I'm fully confident that copyright for instance will no longer exist in 10 years.

Violent behavior exists in one's psychological makeup much deeper than the level that receives information from television or movies.

Well getting behind the camera is something I've always wanted to get involved with. Ever since I was doing movies like 'Zathura' I was very interested in all the different jobs on set and kind of soaking all the information up like a sponge.

When I was a kid going into the movies you weren't force-fed information everywhere you looked about what the movie was going to be.