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That's what the Romney plan is all about how to get jobs created how to get this debt and deficit under control how to revive small businesses so we can create jobs and how to bring growth and opportunity to society instead of this class warfare instead of speaking to people like they're stuck in some class or station in life.

Search For generations In Quotes 73

Whether they run a record company or a grocery store every boss will tell you you're in big trouble if you're borrowing more than you can ever afford to pay back. Delaying the pain for future generations is suicidal. We've got to start getting the deficit down right now not next year.

We believe that peace is not just signed papers but rather a contract between generations for the building of a more promising and less threatening future.

Let us make future generations remember us as proud ancestors just as today we remember our forefathers.

It is our job as members of parliament to legislate with an eye to the long term future to look over the horizon beyond the next election and ensure that as far as we can what we do today will make Australia a better place a safer place for future generations to live in.

We owe at least this much to future generations from whom we have borrowed a fragile planet called Earth.

Looking ahead future generations may learn their social skills from robots in the first place. The cute yellow Keepon robot from Carnegie Mellon University has shown the ability to facilitate social interactions with autistic children. Morphy at the University of Washington happily teaches gestures to children by demonstration.

Future generations are not going to ask us what political party were you in. They are going to ask what did you do about it when you knew the glaciers were melting.

In Iroquois society leaders are encouraged to remember seven generations in the past and consider seven generations in the future when making decisions that affect the people.

The most important thing about global warming is this. Whether humans are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists but it's all of our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations than we found it.

I plant a lot of trees. I am a great believer in planting things for future generations. I loathe the now culture where you just live for today.

The Freudian theory is one of the most important foundation stones for an edifice to be built by future generations the dwelling of a freer and wiser humanity.

Planning ahead is a measure of class. The rich and even the middle class plan for future generations but the poor can plan ahead only a few weeks or days.

I launched The Emeril Lagasse Foundation to provide culinary training and developmental and educational programs to children in the cities where my restaurants operate. I think everyone has a responsibility to give back to the community if they can and to help future generations learn new skills.

For 50 years nuclear power stations have produced three products which only a lunatic could want: bomb-explosive plutonium lethal radioactive waste and electricity so dear it has to be heavily subsidised. They leave to future generations the task and most of the cost of making safe sites that have been polluted half-way to eternity.

Isn't it a shame that future generations can't be here to see all the wonderful things we're doing with their money?

An author is a fool who not content with boring those he lives with insists on boring future generations.

Our work is before us. It cannot be passed to future legislatures and must not be passed to future generations. May we boldly seize the moment with singular unity. And may we build a Texas of unlimited possibility.

Use your lives wisely my friends and conserve these precious freedoms for future generations.

Deficits mean future tax increases pure and simple. Deficit spending should be viewed as a tax on future generations and politicians who create deficits should be exposed as tax hikers.

If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created not just as it looked when we got through with it.

A man of strength and wisdom John Paul became an inspiration to generations of both Catholics and non-Catholics throughout the world by encouraging freedom promoting peace and respecting all faiths.

The Jewish festival of freedom is the oldest continuously observed religious ritual in the world. Across the centuries Passover has never lost its power to inspire the imagination of successive generations of Jews with its annually re-enacted drama of slavery and liberation.

In the long history of the world only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility - I welcome it.

We must oppose programs that would take food from the mouths of younger generations to buy prescription drugs for old people and we must do it... for the children.