Search For nothing In Quotes 1214

I know what it's like to start a business. I know how extra ordinarily difficult it is to build something from nothing. I know how government kills jobs and yes I know how it can help from time- to-time.

A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.

Not for nothing is their motto TGIF - 'Thank God It's Friday.' They live for the weekends when they can go do what they really want to do.

To command is to serve nothing more and nothing less.

You can't operate a company by fear because the way to eliminate fear is to avoid criticism. And the way to avoid criticism is to do nothing.

Nothing so conclusively proves a man's ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself.

Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed.

I think that there is nothing not even crime more opposed to poetry to philosophy ay to life itself than this incessant business.

In this world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes.

Anybody can have a birthday. It requires nothing. Murderers have birthdays. It's the opposite of anything that I believe in. And I don't like at work where you stop everything to sing 'Happy Birthday' to someone. I feel like that's for children.

Every job is good if you do your best and work hard. A man who works hard stinks only to the ones that have nothing to do but smell.

No human being is constituted to know the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and even the best of men must be content with fragments with partial glimpses never the full fruition.

Meditation is all about the pursuit of nothingness. It's like the ultimate rest. It's better than the best sleep you've ever had. It's a quieting of the mind. It sharpens everything especially your appreciation of your surroundings. It keeps life fresh.

The best way to be boring is to leave nothing out.

Cynical realism is the intelligent man's best excuse for doing nothing in an intolerable situation.

If you believe in what you are doing then let nothing hold you up in your work. Much of the best work of the world has been done against seeming impossibilities. The thing is to get the work done.

Nothing goes by luck in composition. It allows of no tricks. The best you can write will be the best you are.

You can't stop loving or wanting to love because when its right it's the best thing in the world. When you're in a relationship and its good even if nothing else in your life is right you feel like your whole world is complete.

In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing the next best thing is the wrong thing and the worst thing you can do is nothing.

The arts quite simply nourish the soul. They sustain comfort inspire. There is nothing like that exquisite moment when you first discover the beauty of connecting with others in celebration of larger ideals and shared wisdom.

When you are at the bottom you find beauty in such little things and goodness in such little gestures. When I compare any struggle today to ones that I may have had in my childhood there is nothing that can bring me down.

Listening to my regular favourites - Mozart Beethoven Brahms and so on - I always feel quite misguidedly that nothing can be too bad if such beauty and brilliance exists in the world.

He was afflicted by the thought that where Beauty was nothing ever ran quite straight which no doubt was why so many people looked on it as immoral.

Nothing can atone for the lack of modesty without which beauty is ungraceful and wit detestable.