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Love Is Louder is a movement that is hopefully going to bring some awareness and make some noise when it comes to teens who are feeling suicidal or even just sad outcasts and being bullied and really feel like they have nowhere to turn to.

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Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.

Diabetes is a disease that's had a deep impact on my family. My little brother has had type 1 diabetes since he was a baby and I have spent time learning about the disease and trying to bring attention to it so that one day soon we will reach a cure.

There are no mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves no matter how unpleasant are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn whatever steps we take they're necessary to reach the places we've chosen to go.

I think leadership is service and there is power in that giving: to help people to inspire and motivate them to reach their fullest potential.

All along we find that social life - religion politics art - reflects the stages reached in the development of the knowledge of self it shows the social uses made of this knowledge.

I feel like I've reached an age where I can relax a little bit with the knowledge of what I've been through take all that experience and use it. I love the challenge of trying to get back to where I've been and beyond it.

The knowledge that there is a part of the psychic functions that are out of conscious reach we did not need to wait for Freud to know this!

If in preaching the gospel you substitute your knowledge of the way of salvation for confidence in the power of the gospel you hinder people from getting to reality.

Religion can make it worse. Are you supposing that if people were encouraged to believe in a transcendent reality and to be encouraged by grand rituals and music and preaching to love their neighbors then they would put jealousy and frustration aside?

Teaching man his relatively small sphere in the creation it also encourages him by its lessons of the unity of Nature and shows him that his power of comprehension allies him with the great intelligence over-reaching all.

Nature shows that with the growth of intelligence comes increased capacity for pain and it is only with the highest degree of intelligence that suffering reaches its supreme point.

Vision - It reaches beyond the thing that is into the conception of what can be. Imagination gives you the picture. Vision gives you the impulse to make the picture your own.

Memories imagination old sentiments and associations are more readily reached through the sense of smell than through any other channel.

Humor must not professedly teach and it must not professedly preach but it must do both if it would live forever.

Inventions have long since reached their limit and I see no hope for further development.

I think films have to reach people and really grab them. That's what I hope to do when I make a film - to get under your skin and really make you think about something and have a transporting time that takes you somewhere.

I certainly hope I'm not still answering child-star questions by the time I reach menopause.

Let's hope brands recognize that the true power of this technology is not its reach but its ability to communicate substance that adds meaning to our lives. Otherwise brands will be investing in technology that consumers simply won't buy.

I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.

And you know you try and preach to them there's more to this game than just walking up to home plate swinging the bat fielding a ground ball. There's some dedication in it some love you've got to put into this work.

One never reaches home but wherever friendly paths intersect the whole world looks like home for a time.

My parents were the same in the pulpit as they were at home. I think that's where a lot of preachers' kids get off base sometimes. Because they don't see the same things at both places.

My father was my main influence. He was a preacher but he was also a history and political science teacher and since he was my hero I wanted to follow in his footsteps and become a teacher.

In terms of the history of a far reaching movement 20 years is not that long.