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There's no one I trust in show business more than Sabrina Wind. She's my eyes and ears when I can't be there. She weighs in on everything from scripts to sets to advertising.

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I've realized that being happy is a choice. You never want to rub anybody the wrong way or not be fun to be around but you have to be happy. When I get logical and I don't trust my instincts - Thats when I get in trouble.

Traveling is my form of self-education. Every stream I fish now is not as good as it used to be. Traveling is my form of self-education. Every stream I fish now is not as good as it used to be. If you keep your eyes open as you travel around you realize we are destroying this planet.

I considered becoming a priest very seriously. I wanted to travel the world. By the time I turned 16 I realized I was only in it for selfish reasons. And more importantly I didn't want to sacrifice the ladies!

I didn't realize what an impact having a No. 1 single would have. It connects me with people of different ages and I get to travel all over the world.

As a person I was born to give out my opinions. By giving out my opinions I realize who I am. As long as I can communicate I'm not so lonely. If I cannot travel or do art or have company if they take away all my belongings it doesn't matter at all.

Traveling you realize that differences are lost: each city takes to resembling all cities places exchange their form order distances a shapeless dust cloud invades the continents.

Realize that if you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it.

Seek always to do some good somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.

I just got tired of being sick and tired and feeling down. Unfortunately you don't realize this until you're getting sober but the reason why you're depressed all the time is it's the drugs that are depressing you.

Well especially now I come to realize - and then - I would do my schooling which was three hours with a tutor and right after that I would go to the recording studio and record and I'd record for hours and hours until it's time to go to sleep.

We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.

The truth is after Boys Don't Cry I realized how few and far between the great roles are. I am beyond thankful for finding Million Dollar Baby.

I realize how unique my path has been. And I'm thankful for that.

Realize that a Muslim will know that his wife was seen naked in this machine. You know what would be the reaction?... Terrible. I believe there's technology out there that can identify bomb-type materials without necessarily overly invading our privacy.

Thompson and Ritchie were among the first to realize that hardware and compiler technology had become good enough that an entire operating system could be written in C and by 1978 the whole environment had been successfully ported to several machines of different types.

I hated science in high school. Technology? Engineering? Math? Why would I ever need this? Little did I realize that music was also about science technology engineering and mathematics all rolled into one.

Technology isn't the enemy it is our ally but only if we adopt a new model that puts people before profit. I realize that we seem far from that model but I have seen it in action and it is a beautiful thing. So I'm not willing to give up yet. Hope is the last thing to die.

In my mind I needed a symbol of today's technology and I realized that what I wanted to photograph was the Space Shuttle. And so that's where Places of Power came into being.

Technology is destructive only in the hands of people who do not realize that they are one and the same process as the universe.

Do you realize if it weren't for Edison we'd be watching TV by candlelight?

When a music teacher that I had at school was taken ill and we had a variety show and I had to fill in - that's when I realized I had a voice.

I took an acting class. After the first day the teacher quit so they said take another. When I saw 'How to be a Stand-up Comedian ' it resonated. I realized I'd rather make 200 people laugh than make one person cry.

It is only after one is in trouble that one realizes how little sympathy and kindness there are in the world.

Success comes to a writer as a rule so gradually that it is always something of a shock to him to look back and realize the heights to which he has climbed.