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The course of this conflict is not known yet its outcome is certain. Freedom and fear justice and cruelty have always been at war and we know that God is not neutral between them.

Search For respect In Quotes 1163

I have great respect for directors who know what they're doing.

Other bands gave us lip service but when it came down to it they kind of backed off. That was a little disheartening. But I respect them. That's their business.

We are talking about someone who has lived. It must be honored in every respect. The fictional can take any kind of channel - according to the actor's marriage to the character.

I think the crux of the matter was that if we were going to become partners in for example the International Space Station we had to gain the respect of a country like the United States and particularly its space organization NASA.

The reason it has relevance is because I as a popular Arab personality - the Arab people like me and respect me - thought it was time for me to make an ever so tiny statement about what I thought about this whole thing.

Willing or preferring is the same with respect to good and evil that judging is with respect to truth or falsehood.

You don't stay married for thirty-nine years because of sex or even because of love but because your partner is a real friend to you because they respect and regard you.

Madonna is a pro. I don't like her and have no respect for her but- I don't think she should be called a musician or a dancer or whatever you know but I do have well I do have respect for her ability to completely manipulate the media and have them work for her.

Well being that at the house and being in the competition it was very hard to be with family. We couldn't have visitors out of respect for everyone else there. But being the American Idol the focus would have been on me.

Marches alone won't bring integration when human respect is disintegratin'

I respect the game that goes on of putting this against that but I don't respect nor do I enjoy an awful lot of the actual programs that go on the air.

I don't expect to win every battle but I think Fred Pierce has enough respect for me that I can go fight my battles and win my share.

Awaken its powers and it will respect itself.

We will work with industrial or Dept. Of Defence sponsorship as long as we keep our principals of openness firm we're proud to work with the military and they respect that in turn.

In the military I could exercise the power of being automatically respected because of the medals on my chest not because I had done anything right at the moment to earn that respect. This is pretty nice. It's also a psychological trap that can stop one's growth and allow one to get away with just plain bad behavior.

There's immense fun to be had as long as you can sort of sneak it past DC. I have been told on occasion that I need to have more respect for these characters.

I call on the international community to be fair to the Iraqi people. My position is that we respect international resolutions but in return demand justice and accountability for those who stole Iraq's money.

I haven't seen a player in this game as long as I've been in it that can't be pitched to... Barry is an outstanding ballplayer. I respect him an awful lot. I also have confidence in my pitchers that they can pitch to Barry Bonds and get him out.

For many the hijab represents modesty piety and devotion to God and I truly respect that. But the hijab should not be used as a means of applying social pressure on people.

People ask me all the time 'Are you fed up with reality TV?' At the end of the day it can affect my career in the sense that the more reality shows there are the less scripted dramas out there but I can't ever really knock them. I started on 'Popstars ' which was a reality talent show. I have respect for them.

Being popular comes when you have everything. But to be liked it means that you must be treating people with respect and you must be showing kindness toward them.

Surely our inaction with respect to Syria is a poor precedent if we're fighting a war on terror.

If I despised myself it would be no compensation if everyone saluted me and if I respect myself it does not trouble me if others hold me lightly.

We may seek a fortune for no greater reason than to secure the respect and attention of people who would otherwise look straight through us.