Search For situations In Quotes 77

I find it very easy playing Bond. I think he's hilarious. He gets himself into some extraordinarily funny situations.

I know some people say I can be funny. But there is always a deeper meaning to what I say. I am a socialist at heart and have the interests of the poor in mind. When people see how I manage to work my way out of tough situations it gives them hope in their own life.

Happiness is understanding that friendship is more precious than mere things more precious than getting your own way more precious than being in situations where true principles are not at stake.

They have the ability to take a person's freedom from them. On certain situations they have the ability to take a person's reputation. And under certain circumstances they have the authority to take a person's life.

Especially for me growing up in such a small town in the middle of nowhere the desire to be away was incredible. I wanted to see new lands meet new people from the city and meet people that were in much less fortunate situations than I was so that I could be more appreciative of my present. At least I had food on the table.

A fear of the unknown keeps a lot of people from leaving bad situations.

None of my characters are rich or famous and the situations they find themselves in could happen to anyone.

My encounters with racism are sort of second-hand situations where I might be standing around with a group of white friends and someone makes a comment that they wouldn't make at my family reunion.

Ultimately it's a leap of faith and a leap of imagination to put yourself back in time into those conditions and situations and see how you would react.

In a sense it might even be said that our failure is to form habits: for after all habit is relative to a stereotyped world and meantime it is only the roughness of the eye that makes two persons things situations seem alike.

Such happiness as life is capable of comes from the full participation of all our powers in the endeavor to wrest from each changing situations of experience its own full and unique meaning.

One of the things I've started doing lately is tracking my dreams. I feel like there's a lot of information there and you can really bring those emotions to the situations that may feel mundane or familiar. That gives them new life and gives you a new relationship with it - if that makes any sort of sense.

The great function of poetry is to give back to us the situations of our dreams.

Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones.

I've been in plenty of situations where someone I'm dating had more time for a console than me.

Whenever I'm in theatre situations I will go out of my way not to talk about my father but in the film world I can be really proud of my family and say 'You know what: my dad's a really really famous theatre director ' because nobody has any idea.

Who would know but ten years ago that kids would be texting each other all the time that that would be one of their main forms of communication. And so many times these kids know more about the technology than their parents. And so many times we're putting kids in very adult situations and expecting them to behave like they're 40 years old.

People change over the years and that changes situations for good and for bad.

Normally in dangerous situations I have a getaway car.

I have mentally overcome situations most of you would be terrified to ever attempt: heights fire needles spiders snakes angry monkeys being shot being hit by a car going blind - you name it I have been in a situation where I have had to mentally overcome my inherent fears to do my job.

Whether you were talking about Pillsbury Burger King Godfather's the National Restaurant Association in each one of those situations I had a daunting problem that I had to solve. And I used the same business principles to approach the problem and more importantly solve the problem in every one of the situations.

My stay-married secret would probably be exercising good communication not when you have to but all the time. I think if you do that you kinda just cleanse the situations so there's not build up. I think that's probably the best way to do it.

Some people have such a talent for making the best of a bad situation that they go around creating bad situations so they can make the best of them.

I played with the same band for years and years and there's a beauty to having one solid core that you keep exploring. On the other hand it's nice to throw yourself in different situations where you find out things about your own resources.