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Winning isn't everything but playing and competing and striving and going through things can be a lot of fun and really important. As long as you're doing it in a way that's healthy sports can be an incredible opportunity.

He hits it long. His shoulders are impressively quick through the ball. That's where he's getting his power from. He's young and has great elasticity.

I went through baseball as 'a player to be named later.'

Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.

Obama often criticizes policies that place the interests of the powerful ahead of the powerless. But through his administration's support of abortion rights Obama shows his lack of empathy for society's most powerless.

Life and human society are the chief concern of Confucianism and through it the chief concern of the Chinese people.

You're scrutinized all through your life - you're scrutinized by your family by yourself by society and your friends in a certain way shape or form.

A generous basic state pension is the least a civilized society should offer those who have worked hard and saved through their whole lives.

I have in some ways saved characters that have been marginalized by society by playing them - and having them still have dignity and still survive still get through it.

At its most basic the democratic contract is a simple one: the right to vote comes with a responsibility to society through tax payments and citizenship.

I started out in engineering. I was a geophysical engineer. Throughout the course of my life I've done a lot of strange jobs and the effect has been to make me think a little more skeptically about our capitalist society.

I give away something up to $500 million a year throughout the world promoting Open Society. My foundations support people in the country who care about an open society. It's their work that I'm supporting. So it's not me doing it.

In modern society where most people live in cities and where both needs and wishes are absolved through the same remote agency - money - the distinction between wishes and needs has altogether vanished.

The devastating punch we took on September 11th still reverberates throughout American society.

Society cannot continue to disable themselves through their need to categorize people or make assumptions as to another individual's abilities.

Through their own actions customers can hold companies responsible to higher standards of social responsibility. Through collective action they can leverage their dollars to combat the force of those investors who myopically pursue profits at the expense of the rest of society.

I had a little insight into life that most kids probably didn't have. My mother was a schoolteacher and my father was a social worker. Through his eyes I saw the underside of society.

Prison continues on those who are entrusted to it a work begun elsewhere which the whole of society pursues on each individual through innumerable mechanisms of discipline.

The surface of American society is covered with a layer of democratic paint but from time to time one can see the old aristocratic colours breaking through.

I never leaf through a copy of National Geographic without realizing how lucky we are to live in a society where it is traditional to wear clothes.

Ascetics and fakirs come to mitigate human suffering to heal us and lead us on the path. They put up with criticism they go through many worldly trials. Some of them have even become martyrs for our sake. But they have done all this with a smile and with gratitude to God. Hence sacrifice is a great virtue.

I just smile. And they - my opponents don't like it when I smile at them. They think I'm playing or something. But - like I smile throughout the whole fight. Sometimes I'll be throwing combinations and I just smile and stick my tongue out at them.

A game one of my sisters will play with me in my first year of being alive is called Good Baby Bad Baby. This consists of being told I am a good baby until I smile and laugh then being told I am a bad baby until I burst into tears. This training will stand me in good stead all through my life.

The coolest part about seeing a girl wear something comfortable is the smile that you can just feel coming through from inside her.