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The California crunch really is the result of not enough power-generating plants and then not enough power to power the power of generating plants.

When a person tests positive for HIV it is not a test for the virus itself but for antibodies to the virus and the test is not able to distinguish between HIV antibodies and a multitude of other antibodies. Many conditions can lead to a false positive result including flu shots hepatitis and pregnancy.

Together often by unanimous vote the council has worked quickly to get positive results.

While the wider global environment is worrying we are seeing some positive results in our economic affairs.

The result is - document destruction - we're really not going to be able to prove beyond a truth the negatives and some of the positive conclusions that we're going to come to. There will be always unresolved ambiguity here.

We manage to bounce ideas off one another. Every band fights but at the end of the day we're very positive about the way we fight. At least we come out with a result.

However I must say that I am very happy to see that we have such a positive result for our first referendum in our history and that gives me more confidence in Taiwan's democracy.

We sincerely ask the Beijing authorities across the Strait to view the election result from a positive perspective to accept the democratic decision of the Taiwanese people.

Each season I find myself constantly inspired by 'The Biggest Loser' contestants. Their tenacity and willingness to learn new healthy habits is tremendous and the results speak for themselves. I am honored to be part of such an inspiring program that helps inspire positive change in so many lives.

Getting sober just exploded my life. Now I have a much clearer sense of myself and what I can and can't do. I am more successful than I have ever been. I feel very positive where I never did before and I think that's all a direct result of getting sober.

And we can see the positive impacts right here at Solyndra. Less than a year ago we were standing on what was an empty lot.But through the Recovery Act this company received a loan to expand its operations. This new factory is the result of those loans.

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones you'll start having positive results.

I don't for the life of me understand how anybody could contemplate the results of the 2000 election in the US and say that electoral politics doesn't matter any more and that Ralph Nader was right when he said there is no difference between the two parties.

Men enter local politics solely as a result of being unhappily married.

We live in a stage of politics where legislators seem to regard the passage of laws as much more important than the results of their enforcement.

I think things changed as a result of a certain perception of our politics. When we went through our zealous self-righteous period it didn't exactly win us any friends.

I think that politics could be a positive thing. My beef is that people focus on the personal aspect of a politician too much. They should focus on the results.

We recognise in the finished art which is the result of these conditions the best words in the best order - poetry and to put this essential poetry into different classes is impossible.

Probably all the attention to poetry results in some value though the attention is more often directed to lesser than to greater values.

No poem is easily grasped so why should any reader expect fast results?

Some people suggest that the problem is the separation of powers. If you had a parliamentary system the struggle for power would not result in such complex peace treaties that empower so many different people to pursue so many contradictory aims.

The point of departure of the process to which we wish to contribute is the fact that war is the natural reaction of human nature in the savage state while peace is the result of acquired characteristics.

And I have lived since - as you have - in a period of cold war during which we have ensured by our achievements in the science and technology of destruction that a third act in this tragedy of war will result in the peace of extinction.

I say that to my colleagues by the way in the internal Cabinet meetings I say 'Look I want to be very clear about what I want.' I just - I don't want a peace process I want a peace result.