Search For young In Quotes 852

If I had a personal wish for the new ideas in this new book it would be that every parent every counselor every teacher every professor every sports coach that deals with young people would understand the three circle concept.

We want to encourage the young ones to learn and get some confidence in sports. It's fun and keeps you active and moving.

Several professional athletes have wrongly taught many young Americans by example that the only way to succeed in sports is to take steroids.

These days the temptation to use steroids in sports has become too great for many young athletes.

That's what Major League Baseball's steroid scandal was all about the hidden harm in competitive sports that sends the wrong message to the young.

The newspapers loved pinup pictures of pretty young swimmers and as a national champion I got more than my share of space in the sports pages.

He hits it long. His shoulders are impressively quick through the ball. That's where he's getting his power from. He's young and has great elasticity.

I think human society for tens of thousands of years has sent young men out in small groups to do things that are necessary but very dangerous. And they've always gotten killed doing it. And they've always turned it into a matter of honor and a way of gaining acceptance back into society if they survived.

I would argue that we have a generation of young people particularly minorities who are no longer putting up with the kinds of things their parents put up with. They're much more self-confident. It's no longer acceptable to make fun of people because of race or sex. But it has always been present in American society.

I applaud the American Cancer Society for all they do to eradicate smoking. Their local state and national efforts help to discourage young people from taking up this deadly habit and the resources they provide have helped numerous smokers quit.

There is so much potential out there in young people and they aren't getting the right information or being encouraged in the right ways. This is our duty as a society.

There's an unconscious bias in our society: girls are wonderful boys are terrible. And to be a boy or young man growing up having to listen to all this it must be painful.

There are relatively few role models for young people. We are in a society that is ruled by men.

Today the world changes so quickly that in growing up we take leave not just of youth but of the world we were young in.

I don't really remember a time younger than 5 years old that I didn't have skates on because all I can remember is every day tying up my skates and a big smile on my face excited to go on the ice.

When I see these young girls who are dreaming the dream that I'm living it's very very exciting and it puts a big smile on my face.

I hope I've lived a life of science whose style will encourage younger people.

One of the problems we've had is that the ICT curriculum in the past has been written for a subject that is changing all the time. I think that what we should have is computer science in the future - and how it fits in to the curriculum is something we need to be talking to scientists to experts in coding and to young people about.

Young people ask me if this country is serious about science. They aren't thinking about the passport that they will hold but the country that they must rely on for support and encouragement.

I like to express certain things that happen in my life the joy of spring the birds singing and young babies coming into the world. You know the whole thing as well as the part I'm not happy with the sad part.

I think it's sad that movies and television have caused the theatre to fade as a popular art form. I hope to get young people into the theatre and expose them to Shakespeare.

'Eyes Wide Open' took shape from two real life events straight from my own past. One was the sad suicide of my young nephew a troubled kid who was found at the bottom of a landmark cliff in central California. The second was a chance encounter forty years ago with none other than ahem Charles Manson!

I have nothing against younger women and older men on screen. What is sad is that so many women over 40 who have so much to give aren't being considered to play opposite men their own age or younger.

That's what so sad about a lot of modern music in my opinion so many young bands never stay around long enough to fulfill their ultimate promise. They only get halfway there or a quarter of the way there.