Search For things In Quotes 2618

The last real movie stars were probably Redford and Newman. And things were different then. There wasn't this amazing amount of magazines and information about them.

Every now and then I have blissful moments of thanking God for all the amazing things that are happening. When I leave the White House after just meeting Obama or when I see my face on the cover of 'Rolling Stone' or when I meet someone who tells me that their daughter is inspired by me those are moments that are incredibly joyful.

Growing up in New York has influenced my style so much and I have an amazing relationship with my stylist Estee Stanley. We have so much fun with the whole process. She picks out dresses I try things on and play dress up and we get creative to see what works.

I've worked on films where the budgets are almost limitless and you're in trailers that are bigger than a hotel room. You're taken care of and the food is amazing the quality of the job is amazing and then you work on smaller things but it never dictates my happiness or my willingness to go to work.

I've had a very interesting career. I get to do amazing things and work with amazing people and travel and learn languages - things most people don't get the opportunity to do.

I cannot stress enough that the answer to life's questions is often in people's faces. Try putting your iPhones down once in a while and look in people's faces. People's faces will tell you amazing things. Like if they are angry or nauseous or asleep.

Because sorry to say women run the house. They run the family. They hold things up. I mean it's like you don't ever see your mom get sick because she handles everything. And it's kind of amazing I think to show people just how strong women are.

My mother encouraged it so much. She was so supportive. Even if as a kid I would do the dumbest trick which now that I look back on some things she would love it she would say that's amazing or if I'd make the ugliest drawing she would hang it up. She was amazing.

There are two sorts of curiosity - the momentary and the permanent. The momentary is concerned with the odd appearance on the surface of things. The permanent is attracted by the amazing and consecutive life that flows on beneath the surface of things.

When you first have a baby your life doesn't change. I mean you have a little less sleep and you drag these cuddly things around you and it's just amazing. But you still get to be you. Once they get to like five six and school and it starts to get like 'Wow they got real problems. They're my responsibility.' Oh my God. That is overwhelming.

The upside to anger? Getting it out of your system. You got to express your anger. Then you have room for more positive things. If I hold something in a long time and then I speak it it's amazing how the light shines so much brighter.

It is quite amazing what I didn't feel after a while. I didn't really want to feel things.

I love being around my friends and my family and spending time with my husband. I like being normal and recharging my batteries and I feel like I have the coolest job in the world where I get to get on stage and perform and get to do a lot of really amazing things.

The things that people do now in sports you can't even believe. These are complete total athletes. To see what human beings can do in the highest level is amazing.

It's amazing people get so detached from what they eat and what they wear. No one has any contact with how things are made that are put in their body and put in their mouths and I just find it alarming that no one questions it.

I think Angelina Jolie has done amazing amazing things and the international adoption rate just since her has skyrocketed. It's unbelievable.

There was once a caustic comment from someone suggesting I was breeding a new race. Fans from different countries have married amazing things like that. I've been to some of the weddings. I went to one here the other day a pagan ceremony.

Work hard be kind and amazing things will happen.

I was informed yesterday that there's a Twitter account for my laugh. Very hard to get used to things like that. Pretty amazing.

One of the most amazing things about mathematics is the people who do math aren't usually interested in application because mathematics itself is truly a beautiful art form. It's structures and patterns and that's what we love and that's what we get off on.

I'm not a kid anymore. And I'm excited for all the amazing things to come.

The body can do amazing things in a situation when it is really called for.

When the youth of America gets together amazing things happen.

The body is an amazing machine... If you eat the right things your body will perform incredibly well!