Search For clear In Quotes 431

Make no mistake in this campaign I will offer the American ideals of economic freedom a clear and unapologetic defense.

And let me make this very clear - unlike President Obama I will not raise taxes on the middle class. As president I will protect the sanctity of life. I will honor the institution of marriage. And I will guarantee America's first liberty: the freedom of religion.

We do not commonly see in a tax a diminution of freedom and yet it clearly is one.

From the described experiment it is clear that the mere act of eating the food even not reaching the stomach determines the stimulation of the gastric glands.

Cleaning is my favorite way to relax. I clear things out and get rid of the stuff I don't need. When the food pantry and the refrigerator are organized I feel less stressed.

It was very clear to me in 1965 in Mississippi that as a lawyer I could get people into schools desegregate the schools but if they were kicked off the plantations - and if they didn't have food didn't have jobs didn't have health care didn't have the means to exercise those civil rights we were not going to have success.

We don't really go in for big family dinners but Scottish people are famously confrontational. It's a cultural thing so maybe we don't need to have them to clear the air. Also traditional family food isn't as nice here so there's no payoff for traveling hundreds of miles.

It's very clear that there's a lot of double standards going on. Should there be a 30mph speed limit? Of course there bloody should. And certainly with kids and school food kids need to be nannied for sure. So give them a bloody good meal at school.

I worked for the Office of Management and Budget in the White House on nuclear energy policy. But I decided it would be much more fun to have a specialty food store so I left Washington D.C. and moved to the Hamptons. And how glad I am that I did!

Clearly America's dysfunctional food culture must bear some of the blame for our excess pounds but it's likely our walking-averse lifestyles contribute as well.

To be interested in food but not in food production is clearly absurd.

And if you look at the reality in the United States where you have more than 40 million people below the poverty line and 42 million on food stamps and then you look at poverty around the world clearly the way we're running the engine of capitalism is not serving us well.

Clearly society has a tremendous stake in insisting on a woman's natural fitness for the career of mother: the alternatives are all too expensive.

While neurological studies have tried to identify components responsible for fear and greed the impact on finance is less clear.

China in the future is going to have even more nuclear capability than it has had in the past. I don't believe that they have anything to fear from the United States and I frankly don't believe they do fear the United States.

When we are unwilling to draw clear moral lines between free societies and fear societies when we are unwilling to call the former good and the latter evil we will not be able to advance the cause of peace because peace cannot be disconnected from freedom.

Honest to God all my life I have had such a fear of spiders. In fact I use to have a reoccurring dream about one. Very clearly it was black with a red head. It would sit up in the corner of the bedroom and when it started getting closer I would wake up in a panic.

The greatest fear that haunts this city is a suitcase bomb nuclear or germ. Many people carry small gas masks. The masses here seem to be resigned to the inevitable believing an attack of major proportions will happen.

Even as we enumerate their shortcomings the rigor of raising children ourselves makes clear to us our mothers' incredible strength. We fear both. If they are not strong who will protect us? If they are not imperfect how can we equal them?

On every front there are clear answers out there that can make this country stronger but we're going to break through the fear and the frustration people are feeling. Our job is to make sure that even as we make progress that we are also giving people a sense of hope and vision for the future.

Quite often I can be in a bookshop standing beneath a great big picture of myself and paying for a book with a credit card clearly marked John Grisham yet no one recognises me. I often say I'm a famous author in a country where no one reads.

Nobody wants to end up super rich and famous - but divorced. I'm always clear on that and try to stay on the right side of the line.

Be very clear as to what your dream is. Nowadays it is fairly certain that 90 percent of all actors really just want to be rich and famous as the solution to all that ails.

Comedy has to be done en clair. You can't blunt the edge of wit or the point of satire with obscurity. Try to imagine a famous witty saying that is not immediately clear.