Search For prevent In Quotes 143

I have tried to lift France out of the mud. But she will return to her errors and vomitings. I cannot prevent the French from being French.

The truth is women use contraception not only as a way to prevent unintended pregnancies but also to improve their health and the health of their families. Increased access to contraception is directly linked to declines in maternal and infant mortality.

More than five million seniors have already saved money on their prescription drugs and almost 33 million have benefited from free preventive services. The president cracked down hard on Medicare and health care fraud recovering a record-breaking $10.7 billion over the last three years protecting our seniors. That's what change looks like.

Irregular contact with doctors means many men fail to receive any preventive care for potentially life-threatening conditions. In addition when men do seek care embarrassment can often prevent them from openly discussing health concerns with their physicians.

Health economists have estimated that an injection of $250 million per year in Indigenous clinical care and $50 million in preventative care is required to provide services at the same level as for any other group with the health conditions of Indigenous Australians.

Each and every day health centers provide high-quality primary and preventive care to our constituents.

It is essential that the women's preventive coverage benefit including contraception be available to all women regardless of what health plan they have or where they work - as Congress intended. Providing access to birth control just makes good sense.

Contraceptives have a proven track record of enhancing the health of women and children preventing unintended pregnancy and reducing the need for abortion.

Since the reduction of risk factors is the scientific basis for primary prevention the World Health Organization promotes the development of an integrated strategy for prevention of several diseases rather than focusing on individual ones.

Intervention for the prevention and control of osteoporosis should comprise a combination of legislative action educational measures health service activities media coverage and individual counselling to initiate changes in behaviour.

Over 120 Aboriginal communities run their own health services - some have been doing so for 30 years. They struggle with difficult medical problems. They also try to deal with counselling stolen generations issues family relationships violence suicide prevention.

Prevention is one of the few known ways to reduce demand for health and aged care services.

Today the demands are for even higher standards in the quality of care for greater flexibility and convenience in treatment times and for more prevention through screening and health checks.

You cannot drive a system that's going to be aiming at preventing illness if everyone is not in it. The whole gaming of health insurance and health care in America is based on that fundamental principle: insure people who aren't sick and you don't have to pay more money on them.

You get the health benefits of coffee up through about the first twenty-four ounces. It's the biggest source of antioxidants for Americans and we think it helps prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's as well.

America's health care system is in crisis precisely because we systematically neglect wellness and prevention.

Nothing prevents happiness like the memory of happiness.

As the prospect of a Tory government gets nearer many traditional Labour voters - some who switched away in recent times and many who stayed at home - seem more determined to prevent that happening.

But whether the Constitution really be one thing or another this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.

If we can but prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people under the pretence of taking care of them they must become happy.

Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.

Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage.

And that's the mission of The Innocence Project in New York is to exonerate people who have been wrongfully convicted and also work from a policy angle with Congress and state legislatures to prevent future wrongful convictions.

It's about time we make the well-being of our young people more important than ideology and politics. As a country we benefit from investing in their future by investing in teen pregnancy prevention.