Search For style In Quotes 239

I'm forever learning and that's why I'm always able to create new styles and new dimensions of hip-hop.

I guess confidence is the only thing that I take from project to project but I'm always open to learning everybody's style - the director the actor I'm working with.

Acting has always existed alongside my normal life. It's been a case of learning on the job. I've worked in so many styles with so many people so I've picked bits up from everyone and everything.

I used to be so aggressive but after a while I started learning. It's not that I know how to adapt but I know all styles of fighting so I can change my style of fighting to whatever it needs to be. That just comes from years of training and a lot of sparring partners.

It is always good to explore the stuff you don't agree with to try and understand a different lifestyle or foreign worldview. I like to be challenged in that way and always end up learning something I didn't know.

As a woman my style defines my leadership. It's a gentler more compassionate approach. I consult I listen and I compromise where it's in the best interest of the citizens.

I think that my leadership style is to get people to fear staying in place to fear not changing.

Research has shown that the perceived style of leadership is by far the most important thing to most voters in evaluating officeholders and candidates.

This is easy to say with the benefit of hindsight but I think it once again points out how very important style of leadership that is the way he does what he does is to his perception.

Each one of us and indeed all those who aspire to national leadership must bring their own visions views and styles to the business of reforming Nigeria and the search for solutions.

Many corporate leaders and employees have the right intentions but it can be overwhelming when you consider how everything is affected from leadership styles to organizational structure to employee engagement to customer service an marketplace.

So I'd be quite happy to have a three-hour Lincoln-Douglas-style debate with Barack Obama. I'd let him use a teleprompter. I'll just rely on knowledge. We'll do fine.

To me the Seventies were very inspirational and very influential... With my whole persona as Snoop Dogg as a person as a rapper. I just love the Seventies style the way all the players dressed nice you know kept their hair looking good drove sharp cars and they talked real slick.

I don't need someone with a hot body. He can be fat or overweight and have a belly. It's very much about style and substance and humor interest curiosity and really being smart.

We're starting to push the envelope in terms of the expectations and you can also have your own style personality and sense of humor because now we're allowed to.

I'll let you in on a secret: I can't stand Jay Ward. I hate being compared to Rocky and Bullwinkle. It's just a different style of humor.

Everybody's got a different sense of humor. It's just different styles.

Confidence is at the root of so many attractive qualities a sense of humor a sense of style a willingness to be who you are no matter what anyone else might think or say and it's true I do have a certain fondness for women that have dark hair.

I think people are sexy when they have a sense of humor when they are smart when they have some sense of style when they are kind when they express their own opinions when they are creative when they have character.

I'm a vegetarian and very much active in regards to how I feel about animal rights and protecting animals and giving animals a voice. But at the same time I appreciate and respect other people's decisions to eat meat. The only thing that I hope is that people are educated that they're aware that they're living a conscious lifestyle.

If you want to be an entrepreneur it's not a job it's a lifestyle. It defines you. Forget about vacations about going home at 6 pm - last thing at night you'll send emails first thing in the morning you'll read emails and you'll wake up in the middle of the night. But it's hugely rewarding as you're fulfilling something for yourself.

I seem to be thinking rationally again in the style that is characteristic of scientists. However this is not entirely a matter of joy as if someone returned from physical disability to good physical health.

The type of leukemia that I am dealing with is treatable. So if I do what my doctors tell me to do - get my blood checked regularly take my meds and consult with my doctor and follow any additional instructions he might make - I will be able to maintain my good health and live my life with a minimum of disruptions to my lifestyle.

Populism is not a style it's a people's rebellion against the iron grip that big corporations have on our country - including our economy government media and environment.