Search For universal In Quotes 133

If I had to choose a religion the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god.

And of course Marc Cherry heightens it and makes it hilarious. But there's so many universal themes in the show and he made it so funny. We knew he was onto something if he could keep it up and thankfully he did.

Throughout its history the international Olympic Committee has struggled to spread its ideal of fraternity friendship peace and universal understanding.

Believe me the drug of freedom is universally potent.

Carry out the republican principle of universal suffrage or strike it from your banners and substitute 'Freedom and Power to one half of society and Submission and Slavery to the other.'

I believe our flag is more than just cloth and ink. It is a universally recognized symbol that stands for liberty and freedom. It is the history of our nation and it's marked by the blood of those who died defending it.

Bush is morally a universalist. For instance he says the freedom is good the same thing is good all over the world. So in that sense he's a universalist.

Where globalization means as it so often does that the rich and powerful now have new means to further enrich and empower themselves at the cost of the poorer and weaker we have a responsibility to protest in the name of universal freedom.

The goodness of a thing created is the perfection of its fitness for the use which it serves. Now that use is either particular or universal.

The universal human laws - need love for the beloved fear hunger periodic exaltation the kindness that rises up naturally in the absence of hunger/fear/pain - are constant predictable reliable universal and are merely ornamented with the details of local culture.

It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning.

The importance of human life should be universally respected - and that refers to children before they are born and after. All children have the right to be brought up in a loving two-parent family where the notion of divorce is not even possible.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights describes the family as the natural and fundamental unit of society. It follows that any choice and decision with regard to the size of the family must irrevocably rest with the family itself and cannot be made by anyone else.

Universal peace sounds ridiculous to the head of an average family.

I believe that my own Christian faith does indeed make universal claims.

It is from the traditional family that we absorb those universal ideals and principles which are the teaching of Jesus the bedrock of our religious faith. We are taught the difference between right and wrong and about the law just punishment and discipline.

Republican values - strong families faith personal responsibility and freedom among others - are not unique to specific subsets of the electorate. They are universal values and it is Republicans' job to remind Americans of that fact.

I'm fascinated by failure and I'm fascinated by finality. Shakespeare's historical plays are more universal than his comedies because they relate to the finality of life. Without finality life would not be beautiful.

My advice would be to write what is most personal and specific to your experience or your life. And your voice will emerge and because of its specificity it will be universal.

Food is our common ground a universal experience.

I hate it when people don't recognize the work of women as being universal or having any import to the world at large as opposed to men's work which is generally tends to be seen as more universal - men's writing about their own experience tends to be put in a broader context.

I believe there's no proverb but what is true they are all so many sentences and maxims drawn from experience the universal mother of sciences.

Poets are the only people to whom love is not only a crucial but an indispensable experience which entitles them to mistake it for a universal one.

Earlier feminists were almost universally pro-choice and have dominated political debate until now. Having access to abortion was viewed as the only way women could have full equality with men who until recently couldn't get pregnant.