I found my niche as a character actor and I've never felt like a movie star or teen idol and never wanted to.
There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.
The wise man does not expose himself needlessly to danger since there are...
Suffering becomes beautiful when anyone bears great calamities with...
Different men seek after happiness in different ways and by different means...
The state comes into existence for the sake of life and continues to exist...
Therefore the good of man must be the end of the science of politics.
He who is to be a good ruler must have first been ruled.
Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.
Jealousy is both reasonable and belongs to reasonable men while envy is base...
He who is unable to live in society or who has no need because he is...
Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.
Friendship is essentially a partnership.
Perfect friendship is the friendship of men who are good and alike in...
He who hath many friends hath none.
What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.
Wishing to be friends is quick work but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.
Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.
A friend to all is a friend to none.
Men are swayed more by fear than by reverence.
The generality of men are naturally apt to be swayed by fear rather than...
I have gained this from philosophy: that I do without being commanded what...
Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil.
Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.
The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet.