I'm interested in current affairs and social policy as a whole but I don't watch politics for sport.
All the United States it is a society that is split like to the bottom that...
God's love is too great to be confined to any one side of a conflict or to...
When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land....
I don't think I've ever felt that same kind of peace the kind of serenity...
In many ways when you're a Nobel peace laureate you have an obligation to...
The minute you got the Nobel Peace Prize things that I said yesterday with...
If you want peace you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies.
I am a leader by default only because nature does not allow a vacuum.
Your ordinary acts of love and hope point to the extraordinary promise that...
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.
In its history Europe has committed so many massacres and horrors that it...
If you are neutral in situations of injustice you have chosen the side of...
Do your little bit of good where you are its those little bits of good put...
In my country of South Africa we struggled for years against the evil system...
God is not upset that Gandhi was not a Christian because God is not a...
But God can only smile because only God can know what is coming next.
We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven. God has a soft spot for...
Exclusion is never the way forward on our shared paths to freedom and justice.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
In South Africa we could not have achieved our freedom and just peace...
Before Nelson Mandela was arrested in 1962 he was an angry relatively young...
Because forgiveness is like this: a room can be dank because you have closed...
Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning.
Without forgiveness there's no future.