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With the counseling of my family doctor my mother ended up turning to Weight Watchers and their children's program. I went to weekly meetings got counseling and would exercise with my peers who were my size. It was the first time I saw a proper children's portion size and it wasn't two burgers it was one.

Search For being In Quotes 2527

Geographically Ireland is a medium-sized rural island that is slowly but steadily being consumed by sheep.

Being Irish is very much a part of who I am. I take it everywhere with me.

Being Irish he had an abiding sense of tragedy which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.

Being a father helps me be more responsible... you see more things than you've ever seen.

I'm sure most of us remember being a kid and you have all of this endless time where two weeks before Christmas feels like ten years. I used to go to bed to try and go to sleep to try and make it go faster.

I've always loved Christmas and that's not really gone away from me from being a child to now. It's always a magical time and I'm unashamed in my love for Christmas.

That's the true spirit of Christmas people being helped by people other than me.

I don't think people understand that being poor means you have to work from dawn until dusk just to survive through the day. I think there's some notion that poor people lie about all day not doing anything.

Letting go of things and not being afraid of being ridiculous or over the top - I think that's the main thing for me to work on.

Well just being stupid and politically incorrect doesn't work. You can be politically incorrect if you're smart.

Being a mother is quite tiring. There's not much time to do anything. You just rush around and it's hard work.

I'm far from being god but I work god damn hard.

I don't work at being ordinary.

How can people be so stupid? I marvel at that. See I think you have to work as being ignorant - and if you're gonna work at being ignorant why not work at being informed?

I am trying to show the world that we are all human beings and that color is not important. What is important is the quality of our work.

Hairdressers are a wonderful breed. You work one-on-one with another human being and the object is to make them feel so much better and to look at themselves with a twinkle in their eye.

If you're working for a good company and you're happy there and you're being compensated accordingly and your work satisfies you you should stay there.

I suppose I have a really loose interpretation of 'work ' because I think that just being alive is so much work at something you don't always want to do. The machinery is always going. Even when you sleep.

I don't pity any man who does hard work worth doing. I admire him. I pity the creature who does not work at whichever end of the social scale he may regard himself as being.

I tend to go for women with common sense. Being down to earth stands out more than looks.

Then I read Little Women and of course like a lot of really young girls I was very taken with Jo - Jo being the writer and the misfit.

I will say that the idea of a woman being deceptive came from that original discussion with critics and reporters about if woman could do that kind of thing. Evelyn herself grew out of the discussions about how capable women are of deceit and lying and manipulation.

Women being pitted each other another in Hollywood is an old tactic but it's not real at all.

Lots of women love to accuse men of being immature when the fellow in question displays a reluctance to 'commit.'