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Most of the time I liked school and got good grades. In junior high though I hit a stumbling block with math - I used to come home and cry because of how frustrated I was! But after a few good teachers and a lot of perseverance I ended up loving math and even choosing it as a major when I got to college.

Search For communist In Quotes 27

Watergate enabled the Democrats to cut off all aid to South Vietnam and ensure American defeat in a war their party entered and had effectively lost before Nixon salvaged a non-Communist South Vietnam while effecting a complete American withdrawal.

When I was growing up it was 'Communists'. Now it's 'Terrorists'. So you always have to have somebody to fight and be afraid of so the war machine can build more bombs guns and bullets and everything.

There are only two sorts of people in life you can trust - good Christians and good Communists.

Technology determines the possibilities of society. It doesn't matter whether you start out from a fascist state or a communist state or a free-market state.

Anarchists are socialists because they want the improvement of society and they are communists because they are convinced that such a transformation of society can only result from the establishment of a commonwealth of property.

He who negates present society and seeks social conditions based on the sharing of property is a revolutionary whether he calls himself an anarchist or a communist.

I was very restless. I really wanted to be a part of a kind of a progressive society. I was fed up with these Communist doctrines and you were hassled all the time with members of the Party committee who were KGB what you have to do where in the West you can go or not to go.

In a higher phase of communist society... only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be fully left behind and society inscribe on its banners: from each according to his ability to each according to his needs.

One strength of the communist system of the East is that it has some of the character of a religion and inspires the emotions of a religion.

It's much easier to wear a Chairman Mao button and shake your fists in the air and all that then to actually read the Communist manifesto and things like that and actually become involved in politics.

When Communist U.S.S.R. was a superpower the world was better off. The right-wing media is trying to marginalize the peace movement.

An argument fatal to the communist theory is suggested by the fact that a desire for property is one of the elements of our nature.

I have spent all my life under a Communist regime and I will tell you that a society without any objective legal scale is a terrible one indeed. But a society with no other scale but the legal one is not quite worthy of man either.

I knew I could not maintain that leadership in open struggle against Moscow influence. Only two Communist leaders in history ever succeeded in doing this - Tito and Mao Tse-tung.

The Communist Party said that I must finish my studies because after the revolution in Germany people would be required with technical knowledge to take part in the building of the Communist Germany.

No matter how mistaken Communist ideas may be the experience and knowledge gained by trying them out have given a tremendous impetus to thought and imagination.

President Reagan was a leader at a time when the American people most needed leadership. He outlined a vision that captured the imagination of the free world a vision that toppled the Communist empire and freed countless millions.

It's a different outlook and one that I understand. When you are a former member of the Warsaw Pact when you have lived behind the Berlin Wall when you have experienced the communist systems that existed in these countries for them the West represents hope.

The Communist regime didn't consider this to be a shining moment in history and assigned no heroism to it. They classified it as merely an accident.

There are many people in the world who really don't understand-or say they don't-what is the great issue between the free world and the Communist world. Let them come to Berlin!

Also when you escape a Communist regime you treasure liberty and you understand that as government and state expand liberty must contract.

I came out of the Soviet Union no longer a communist because I believed in personal freedom.

Because if you lived as I did several years under Nazi totalitarianism and then 20 years in communist totalitarianism you would certainly realize how precious freedom is and how easy it is to lose your freedom.

Communists have always played an active role in the fight by colonial countries for their freedom because the short-term objects of Communism would always correspond with the long-term objects of freedom movements.