Search For concerns In Quotes 42

I believe the main solution is to gain the trust of Europe and America and to remove their concerns over the peaceful nature of our nuclear industry and to assure them that there will never be a diversion to military use.

What has any poet to trust more than the feel of the thing? Theory concerns him only until he picks up his pen and it begins to concern him again as soon as he lays it down.

A father is a person who's around participating in a child's life. He's a teacher who helps to guide and shape and mold that young person someone for that young person to talk to to share with their ups and their downs their fears and their concerns.

A social problem is one that concerns the way in which people live together in one society. A racial problem is a problem which confronts two different races who live in two separate societies even if those societies are side by side.

The only part of the conduct of any one for which he is amenable to society is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself his independence is of right absolute. Over himself over his own body and mind the individual is sovereign.

In general science journalism concerns itself with what has been published in a handful of peer-reviewed journals - Nature Cell The New England Journal of Medicine - which set the agenda.

The first act of religion therefore concerns those things which are communicated to us from God. The other concerns those things which we yield to God.

Religion is the state of being grasped by an ultimate concern a concern which qualifies all other concerns as preliminary and which itself contains the answer to the question of a meaning of our life.

The overall view of the human genome project has been one of great excitement and positive press but there are people who have concerns that are quite reasonable and they are frightened of things they don't understand.

To emphasize only the beautiful seems to me to be like a mathematical system that only concerns itself with positive numbers.

When you're young with less on the line it's easier to be audacious to experiment. So I introduced the concerns of my generation - politics sex drugs rock-and-roll etc. - to the comics page which for many years caused a rolling furor.

One of the big changes in politics has been because families individuals have felt worried insecure... worried about the economy worried about their jobs worried about their kids' futures... actually the disconnect between the public and media discourse and people's everyday concerns has become bigger not smaller.

A politics that is not sensitive to the concerns and circumstances of people's lives a politics that does not speak to and include people is an intellectually arrogant politics that deserves to fail.

It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how Nature is. Physics concerns what we say about Nature.

I have a book coming out in September for example where the plot concerns counterfeiting and I had to do a lot of research on that. Or on any legal matters for example I have to do a lot of research online.

I wish I had known more firsthand about the concerns and problems of American businesspeople while I was a U.S. senator and later a presidential nominee. That knowledge would have made me a better legislator and a more worthy aspirant to the White House.

I do have concerns about the current efforts to restructure our nation's intelligence community.

Myths about the dire effects of genetically modified foods on health and the environment abound but they have not held up to scientific scrutiny. And although many concerns have been expressed about the potential for unexpected consequences the unexpected effects that have been observed so far have been benign.

I had all kinds of food issues including health concerns and weight concerns.

Irregular contact with doctors means many men fail to receive any preventive care for potentially life-threatening conditions. In addition when men do seek care embarrassment can often prevent them from openly discussing health concerns with their physicians.

The issues that matter to me are the social safety nets for people health care middle-class concerns. We need to take care of the middle class and the poor in our country.

Concerns about the size and role of government are what seem to leave reformers stammering and speechless in town-hall meetings. The right wants to have a debate over fundamental principles elected Democrats seem incapable of giving it to them.

It's funny that there was so much disturbance about having a Catholic in the White House with Kennedy and when we finally get a religion in the White House that's causing a lot of conflicts and concerns and disturbances for a lot of people it's in the Bush Administration.

With Napster and the sharing of music of course there are going to be people who exploit it. Greed has no end. But there's a lot of good that could happen. We shouldn't let the economic concerns of the major labels infringe on our freedom to share music.