Search For drugs In Quotes 88

I just get things done instead of talking about getting them done. I don't go out and party. I don't smoke drink or do drugs and I'm not married that leaves a lot of time for my work.

I found that I was getting a warm reception for my message of freeing you from the income tax releasing you from Social Security ending the insane war on drugs restoring gun rights and reducing the federal government to just its constitutional functions.

The War on Drugs employs millions - politicians bureaucrats policemen and now the military - that probably couldn't find a place for their dubious talents in a free market unless they were to sell pencils from a tin cup on street corners.

I'm finding myself really angry over spending and the deficit. I'm finding myself really angry over what's happening in the Middle East the decision to stay in Afghanistan indefinitely. I'm angry about cap and trade. And I've been on record for a long time on the failed war on drugs.

If you want to fight a war on drugs sit down at your own kitchen table and talk to your own children.

The war on drugs is wrong both tactically and morally. It assumes that people are too stupid too reckless and too irresponsible to decide whether and under what conditions to consume drugs. The war on drugs is morally bankrupt.

I just got tired of being sick and tired and feeling down. Unfortunately you don't realize this until you're getting sober but the reason why you're depressed all the time is it's the drugs that are depressing you.

Research shows that parents are the single biggest influence on children - if you are worried about your teen and drugs talk to them.

I am a technological activist. I have a political agenda. I am in favor of basic human rights: to free speech to use any information and technology to purchase and use recreational drugs to enjoy and purchase so-called 'vices' to be free of intruders and to privacy.

My goals over the decade include to develop new drugs to treat intractable diseases by using iPS cell technology and to conduct clinical trials using it on a few patients with Parkinson's diseases diabetes or blood diseases.

The point of that is if you look at Walgreen's history they've always been pioneers in the application of technology. They're the only drugstore chain that I know to have their own satellite.

Technology has a shadow side. It accounts for real progress in medicine but has also hurt it in many ways making it more impersonal expensive and dangerous. The false belief that a safety net of sophisticated drugs and machines stretches below us permitting risky or lazy lifestyle choices has undermined our spirit of self-reliance.

But sports carried me away from being in a gang or being associated with drugs. Sports was my way out.

I've used drugs that I do consider to be dangerous drugs that are potentially detrimental to kids and society at large.

When you look at where the real problems are among minorities in our society particularly blacks it's at the bottom. It's the people who are in school systems that don't educate neighborhoods where there is a lot of crime drugs the whole bit.

As far as a truly radical conscience you have to take it as part of a larger thing that it was sort of historical inevitability that with the coming of a leaguer society people would start to use drugs a lot more then they had before.

Drugs are merely the most obvious form of addiction in our society. Drug addiction is one of the things that undermines traditional values.

The basic thing nobody asks is why do people take drugs of any sort? Why do we have these accessories to normal living to live? I mean is there something wrong with society that's making us so pressurized that we cannot live without guarding ourselves against it?

Half of the modern drugs could well be thrown out of the window except that the birds might eat them.

We don't do drugs drink or use profanity. Instead we instill morals and values in my boys by raising them with a love of God and a love and respect for themselves and all people. I believe they will have a chance.

We first fought the heathens in the name of religion then Communism and now in the name of drugs and terrorism. Our excuses for global domination always change.

A lot of victims for example have become addicted to alcohol and drugs. It seems to me that the church's healing ministry is going to be enhanced through this in much broader strokes. That's good it's all positive.

When you're young with less on the line it's easier to be audacious to experiment. So I introduced the concerns of my generation - politics sex drugs rock-and-roll etc. - to the comics page which for many years caused a rolling furor.

I would like to end world hunger and create world peace stop corruption stop drugs getting to kids.