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'The Christmas Song ' by Nat King Cole is not only a masterful performance to me it just sounds like the holidays. I've never sung it because Nat's version is so perfect. I gotta leave it alone.

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My Christmas wish would be to have an entire week off. To spend it with my family and just curl up and watch Christmas movies when it's snowing outside.

A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes.

I think when you begin to think of yourself as having achieved something then there's nothing left for you to work towards. I want to believe that there is a mountain so high that I will spend my entire life striving to reach the top of it.

In a very real sense it will not be one man going to the moon it will be an entire nation. For all of us must work to put him there.

I am the woman I grew to be partly in spite of my mother and partly because of the extraordinary love of her best friends and my own best friends' mothers and from surrogates many of whom were not women at all but gay men. I have loved them my entire life even after their passing.

I love Sweden. The entire world should be like Sweden. They all like to drink and get naked and the women are hot. I can't think of a better nation on the planet.

And it is no less true that personal security and private property rest entirely upon the wisdom the stability and the integrity of the courts of justice.

All the information you could want is constantly streaming at you like a runaway truck - books newspaper stories Web sites apps how-to videos this article you're reading even entire magazines devoted to single subjects like charcuterie or wedding cakes or pickles.

You may invite the entire 35th Division to your wedding if you want to. I guess it's going to be yours as well as mine. We might as well have the church full while we are at it.

Mine is the first generation able to contemplate the possibility that we may live our entire lives without going to war or sending our children to war.

War is an instrument entirely inefficient toward redressing wrong and multiplies instead of indemnifying losses.

Let us be a little humble let us think that the truth may not perhaps be entirely with us.

By means of microscopic observation and astronomical projection the lotus flower can become the foundation for an entire theory of the universe and an agent whereby we may perceive Truth.

The trouble with lying and deceiving is that their efficiency depends entirely upon a clear notion of the truth that the liar and deceiver wishes to hide.

Mr. Speaker the Delaware River deepening project is important for my constituents for our region and for the entire nation. I trust that when they examine the facts about it every one of my colleagues will join me in supporting it.

And when I retired trust me not only did Nolan Ryan but the entire Ryan family had withdrawals from baseball. And it was tough.

I feel I do my best work when it's all there on the page and I feel that the character is very vivid as I read the script and I'm not having to create stuff and trying to cobble together something. If I have to do that then I don't entirely trust what I'm doing.

Spirit of place! It is for this we travel to surprise its subtlety and where it is a strong and dominant angel that place seen once abides entire in the memory with all its own accidents its habits its breath its name.

Until 1914 I loved to travel I often went to Italy and once spent a few months in India. Since then I have almost entirely abandoned travelling and I have not been outside of Switzerland for over ten years.

You can't expect the entire world to come to New York to see you. You have to travel to them.

Triumphant science and technology are only at the threshold of man's command over sources of energy so stupendous that if used for military purposes they can wipe out our entire civilization.

Thompson and Ritchie were among the first to realize that hardware and compiler technology had become good enough that an entire operating system could be written in C and by 1978 the whole environment had been successfully ported to several machines of different types.

The rapid dissemination of technology and information offers entirely new ways of production but it can also bring the spectre of more states developing weapons of mass destruction.

I have advocated an entirely different approach than cap and tax which would be worldwide in application and which emphasizes technology as a way of reducing total emissions.