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Basically after an ABC sitcom I did I ended up with a holding deal with 20th Century Fox. Absolutely cool. It pays you to be unemployed. And the bigger the entity that gives you the deal the better.

Search For guided In Quotes 28

The men who have guided the destiny of the United States have found the strength for their tasks by going to their knees. This private unity of public men and their God is an enduring source of reassurance for the people of America.

Therefore a person should first be changed by a teacher's instructions and guided by principles of ritual. Only then can he observe the rules of courtesy and humility obey the conventions and rules of society and achieve order.

Bob summed it up best when he was on his knees at the end of the night saying 'Don't trust in Guided By Voices.' You were there was the show awful or something? I know it was sloppy but they're not really that tight anyway but was it embarrassing was it sad?

In politics a capable ruler must be guided by circumstances conjectures and conjunctions.

Whether one believes or not religion is as real a force in the life of the world as economics or politics and it demands fair-minded attention. Even if you think the entire religious enterprise is at best misguided and at worst counterproductive it remains vital inspiring great good and sometimes great evil.

We have guided missiles and misguided men.

The means by which we live have outdistanced the ends for which we live. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.

The facts are plain: Religious leaders who preside over marriage ceremonies must and will be guided by what they believe. If they do not wish to celebrate marriages for same-sex couples that is their right. The Supreme Court says so. And the Charter says so.

The idea of trying to create things that last - forever knowledge - has guided my work for a long time now.

A man who leaves home to mend himself and others is a philosopher but he who goes from country to country guided by the blind impulse of curiosity is a vagabond.

If you are kept in ignorance of the true way and permit yourself to rely upon and be guided by the opinion of imperfect man you can never gain the riches that will bring you peace and lasting happiness.

President Obama's call for nearly a half-trillion dollars in more government stimulus when America has more than $14 trillion in debt is guided by his mistaken belief that we can spend our way to prosperity.

The Bible must be considered as the great source of all the truth by which men are to be guided in government as well as in all social transactions.

Honesty integrity and accountability the values which should be the hallmark of this government have instead been thrown under the bus by an arrogant majority casualties in a misguided campaign to shield from accountability those who abuse this House.

The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.

I guess I feel that I was following my instincts and at the same time being guided by the best. I became totally intrigued with Louisiana - the people the food. It is a part of my life. Everything that has happened for me since moving here has just been icing on the cake.

Innovations that are guided by smallholder farmers adapted to local circumstances and sustainable for the economy and environment will be necessary to ensure food security in the future.

Guided only by their feeling for symmetry simplicity and generality and an indefinable sense of the fitness of things creative mathematicians now as in the past are inspired by the art of mathematics rather than by any prospect of ultimate usefulness.

When you advise any person you should be guided by the fear of God.

It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear.

I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided and that is the lamp of experience.

Having yet another vote on refinery legislation that uses high oil prices as an excuse to weaken environmental protections and to give more legislative gifts to the oil industry is misguided in the extreme.

My efforts in Congress are guided by the belief that environmental preservation and restoration are a critical part of the legacy we leave to future generations.